Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Great Deer Mother and Her Female Shamans

The Deer is Sacred to me, and every year for Solstice my spousest gets me a Deer, who is also associated with my Matron Goddess. I will be adding this info to my Winter Solstice Ritual repertoire. Leaving out the Magic Mushrooms though...really Mother Solstice

Sunday, December 23, 2018


One publication represents us now, other than Lesbian Connection!!! AfterEllen.com

We have lost most of our Lesbian infrastructure and been sold out TO MEN. But read this strongly worderd article for some hope!!https://www.afterellen.com/general-news/568339-co-opting-the-l-homophobia-the-thought-police?fbclid=IwAR0Cka0Qb0hU-xOhdf0yBhblj070cWp--we4Ntm_oV40PqgcxwPQ8I28x-0#LscX84Gb1RsfuI5D.99

Saturday, December 22, 2018

To Starhawk's Call for a Truce

I saw a post by Starhawk on her blog where she called a truce to the Gender Wars. I responded but saw she had put me on a Blacklist even though I have always admired her in the past and bought many a book of hers. NEVER have I insulted her, but here is my response to her anyway:


My response to her call:
Until us Lesbians/Dykes and our need for Female only spaces, rituals, Mysteries are fully respected there can be no dialogue.

We are Female Homosexuals, born Female from birth, with Yonis from birth. If I/we say " Do NOT call us Cis, queer or terf" that must be respected.

I have been a Tomboy from age 7 onwards. When the Dyke Witches brought me out at my first ritual at Beltane in 1981, I became a lifelong Butch. My people and Sister Butches are under siege. But then I was TAUGHT TO BE PROUD TO BE FEMALE, to honor our menses and Blood Mysteries, our Female bodies/ minds/ spirits. Amazing Magic happens in Female Dyke Centered spaces like Michfest and other womyns spaces. These rites are for those born female, living proudly as Females or learning to which so many Butch/ tomboy types have a hard time doing because of the lack of role models. So many Butches so many womyn have been empowered and healed by the most Gynocentric modern day Amazon Nation on the planet at Michfest, and similar spaces, so many of which are gone and/ or under attack.

To my dying day I will protect and defend our wbw Female spaces because this is where I open up and get to experience our fully empowering Female Mysteries and bond with other Dykes and womyn. There is nowhere else I get to do so.

Others are free to create their OWN Mysteries. There are times and places we all can come together in community wide events like Pride, Pagan Pride, marches and other community events, but other times we NEED OUR OWN spaces for our emotional, sexual, and/or spiritual connections.

Nor do we deserve to be called names, threatened with rape or violence, deplatformed or have our events crashed and destroyed, or be censored for claiming our spaces, our bodies, OUR MYSTERIES, our dialogue or our bonding amongst our own!!

Us Lesbians are FEMALE HOMOSEXUALS. Males do not figure into our sex lives at all, or the penis. We worship the Sacred Yoni. Period. Lesbians do not have penises nor want them. Unless this is respected, there can be no dialogue, no truce.

- In Sisterhood,

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Banned for Truthsaying: Censorship Against Dykes and Women

Serving my 3rd 30 day ban on Facebook for speaking my Truth and telling my story...

See the same on Twitter.  Feminists, Lesbians and women as a whole are being silenced for standing up...wholesale censorship od OUR VOICES on both and other forums,Twitter,Facebook and more...

Amanda Sue Rochford

“The penis is a male sexual organ.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Men are male.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
He’s a man.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Male mammals produce sperm.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
”Female mammals breastfeed and bear live young.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
”Women give birth.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women don’t want to see strangers’ penises.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women deserve their own, separate sporting competitions.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Black women aren’t comparable to men.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women don’t want to undress in front of men.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“You can’t buy womanhood at a doctor’s office.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If there are no objective criteria for defining someone as a woman, then you’ve erased womanhood as a meaningful social category that can be recognized in law.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Trans-identified females face safety risks in male spaces, and health risks from hormones and surgery.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Most children who are uncomfortable with gender stereotypes come to accept themselves as adults, and don’t need to change their bodies.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s bad to sterilize children for cosmetic reasons.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s wrong to encourage autistic children to believe that surgery and hormones will correct their social discomfort.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“You can’t be born in the wrong body. Your body is fine just the way it is.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Makeup, clothes, and public sexual displays aren’t the same as womanhood.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“An all-male panel is still an all-male panel if half of the men show up in dresses and lipstick.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Female genital mutilation isn’t performed on an identity.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s not any kind of misogyny when men don’t catcall you because you’re actually another man.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Identities don’t give birth. Female bodies do.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Identities don’t impregnate women, penises do.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Liking pink sparkles doesn’t make you a girl or a woman. Liking dinosaurs and trains doesn’t make you a boy or man.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Lots of girls hate wearing dresses. Lots of women have short hair and wear jeans. Clothes have nothing to do with sex.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Wearing fishnets, a miniskirt, and a come-hither look, doesn’t make a man a woman. Not even on casual Fridays.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Intersex conditions are not an identity.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Lesbians shouldn’t be pressured to have sex with male partners.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Personality variation isn’t a coherent legal category.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s wrong to apply modern concepts to the past by retroactively declaring dead people ‘transgender,’ when you have no evidence that they thought they were literally the other sex.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Telling kids who don’t fit into expected gender stereotypes that they’re really the opposite sex is letting generations of bullies win.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Reproductive biology is not a social construct or fiction.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Every person alive was born from a woman’s body.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Sex isn’t assigned at birth, it’s observed correctly over 99% of the time.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Believing that developmentally typical adults can change sex is an article of faith, and I don’t believe in it.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s not ‘polite’ to ask a woman who’s been threatened or assaulted by a man to refer to him as ‘she,’ not for court proceedings nor for any other reason.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women who seem ‘masculine’ are the ones who are most targeted for constant social pressure by people asking them for their pronouns, or professing ‘confusion’ at their use of she/her pronouns.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“No one has studied the long-term physiological effects of puberty blockers followed by decades worth of hormone treatments starting in adolescence.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Puberty blockers followed by hormones don’t allow the gonads to mature, rendering a young person sterile for life before they’re old enough to vote. How is this ethical?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“A child whose genitals are stunted by chemical castration may never experience adult sexual function. How can they know what they’re giving up when they start these treatments at 9, 11, 13 years old?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Removing the testes through an orchiectomy is commonly referred to as castration.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If you father children with a woman in the usual way, you aren’t a woman. Two people who can conceive a child in the usual way are in a heterosexual relationship.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Trans men do most of the work behind the scenes in the gender identity movement. They get famous for giving birth, getting assaulted by men, doing fashion spreads, or dying. That’s some interesting ‘male privilege.’” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s irritating when trans-identified males get to be ‘first woman’ to do things that no female human being is allowed to do.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Trans-identified males who are murdered are killed by other men, and many of those were involved in the sex trade. But they never talk about fighting male violence or the sex trade, they just complain about women. Hmmm.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Liberal men and technology companies finally found women whose rights they pay more than lip service to. Plot twist: those ‘women’ have penises.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Maybe teenage girls who hate their bodies don’t need double mastectomies.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Having a doctor cut your minor son’s nuts off because he’s sensitive or likes Hello Kitty seems ... a little Medieval, perhaps?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Maybe we should examine the role of early p0rn use by boys and social contagion as a reason why so many young people are afraid of puberty, and are expressing it through extreme body modification?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Sexual orientations aren’t bigotry.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Allowing grown men to access spaces where women and girls are in a state of vulnerability or undress is a bad idea that has already caused problems.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s a violation of women’s human rights under international law to forcibly incarcerate them alongside male prisoners.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s a violation of women’s human rights to deny them the right to have intimate examinations or care performed by another female person if she so wishes, for any reason, or none.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s a violation of women’s human rights to force them in the course of their work duties to lay hands on a man’s genitals or perform intimate care for a man.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s a violation of women’s privacy if they are required to perform a urine test in full view of a male social worker or other authority figure, just because he says that he is a woman.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Emergency shelters should be able to preserve single-sex accommodations for women, especially in dormitory housing, or for victims of violence. It’s wrong to force them to serve male clients through funding threats.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If we can’t say that men are male, and have penises, we can’t have any kind of debate about whether it affects women’s rights to have men recognized as women. It isn’t even possible to form a clear statement of objection.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s horrible to argue that women don’t want to be exposed to stranger’s penises at the gym shower because we need ‘education.’” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If a man flashes a woman on the bus, it’s abusive and criminal. If he flashes a woman in the shower at the Y, it’s progress.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If a man puts a peephole or a camera in a women’s bathroom to watch, he’s a pervert. If he walks in when she’s washing blood off her pants at the sink, he can claim ‘woman’ and press charges if she tries to get him kicked out.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s wrong for men to gang up on women to have us removed from our jobs, social networks, or political parties, because we said no to them.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women and girls need privacy to handle menstruation. That includes having private sinks and spaces to change clothes if we need to.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“There are hundreds of thousands of search engine results for criminally acquired bathroom upskirt images and films. How can you say that no man has a motive to misuse self-ID laws?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Parents or guardians have a right to know if their children will be expected to stay in mixed-sex lodgings on overnight trips, or can have a same-sex chaperone, if they’re away from home on a school or club trip.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“You can’t menstruate if you don’t have a uterus and functional ovaries.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Boys and men shouldn’t have to use the urinals in front of girls and women. Most girls and women don’t want to see that, and it’s irresponsible to groom girls to demand access to the boys’ room.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s disturbing that gender activists try to contact children without their parents’ knowledge, encourage children to leave home to find their ‘glitter family,’ or call it ‘abuse’ when parents are worried about their children’s health.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Why did the LGBT press ignore the murder of a lesbian couple and their son, two of whom were black, by a white, trans-identified male who got famous for protesting a lesbian music festival?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s offensive and indecent to refer to male sex offenders as ‘vulnerable women.’” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

We Dont Need Them: Lesbians Stay Autonomous, get Out of the GBT

We dont need them. We will walk away and create a beautiful diverse Female focussed and revolutionary Lesbian culture again. Our lesson is to stay autonomous from males. For some that means Separatism, for others sexually Separatist WHICH LESBIANS ARE AND HAVE A RIGHT TO BE. We did it before, and the gay men came begging for us to support their causes. It cost us in the long run OUR autonomy and Lesbian culture.

No penis between us friends. - Alix Dobkin

Lesbianism is an entire worldview, we see through Lesbian eyes as women and our lust and love for women, keeping us free from sexual control by males, whether straight, gay, bi or trans identified males.
       - M.A.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

MasterAmazon's Musings

What would it be like to be in an ad- free culture?  Nobody selling us anything maniputively.
All communication truly meaningful, artistic, poetic, scientific, profound????

Depression isn't strictly about a med. Its about an empty society where friendship is considered banal, superficial, almost extraneous; and the almighty $ is no. 1.

One's worth is measuredin their ability to gather it. Their " net worth".

Not who they are as a person intellectually,emotionally, spiritually. Only the way they can be commodified. Greatest value going to sports figures, actors, actresses, businessmen.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

No I am NOT Here to Nurture Males, I am Here to Call Womyn Into Their Amazon Power!!!

And this is WHY I cant stand straight female leadership in Goddess groups,( Priestess Presence) my response to 'we ( and Mother)need to nurture males because they are so damaged too':

"M.B.Y.  it is not my place to rescue men from their own doing. Let them confront other men to dismantle their male corrupt power over system.

Let the Mother confront them in their crimes for millenia against women, Mother Earth, the very fabric of Life itself and all their exclusive Brotherhoods which have kept women out of Power for so long.

My sole focus as an Amazon Warrior, Amazon Witch and Amazon Priestess is to have Goddess Awaken and Arise again in the hearts of ALL WOMYN, to say NO to male aggression and Patriarchy, to throw off their chains, shame and veils, and to come together as a POWERFUL SISTERHOOD that says NO AND NO MORE, and to bond together in Wildness, Ecstasy,  love and joy, while doing the work to restore the Systems of this planet and to claim our Female Power and autonomy in ALL aspects: spiritually, politically, economically, sexually and in every other way.

24/7 I honor the Sacred Female without reserve. No more namalt. No more excuses. And in ALL Her aspects." - FeistyAmazon

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Link to Article on Black Butch Jewish Lesbian Linda Bellos Case


My response to article on Linda Bellos case

I really hope Linda Bellos wins her case, its fluff, nonsense and censorship against her. As any strong reasonable Butch Lesbian would speak out in regards to the incident where a trans mtf hit a gender critical Feminist at a rally, us Butch Lesbians and Lesbians as a whole, our communities and unique FEMALE CENTERED Lesbian culture has entirely bern targeted by the Trans movement, with constant threats of death, rape, censorship, silencing. ONE Lesbian talks back and she’s taken to court.
Many other Lesbians talk back, myself included and we are silenced, deplatformed, shamed, threatened, unfriended, pushed down and signs ripped out of our hands at San Francisco Dyke March, shamed at London Pride for protesting our invisibility, thrown out of groups or pressured to leave, Cotton Ceilinged, our Festivals, groups and spaces picketed because we hold firm to our Lesbian boundaries.
           - M.A.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


For Female Homosexuals aka Dykes aka Lesbian womyn loving womyn who are WBW bio FEMALE


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

GGG No platforming Ruth Barrett

I am upset I cannot go to Gaeagoddessgathering this year a woman only Goddess  Gathering of Pagan womyn and witches in NE Kansas in remote Pagan Land.

I NEED my Landtime and to celebrate with womyn. Last year I got Croned there, it was quite meaningful and just starting to build community and get to know some womyn after moving to the Midwwest.

While they are not WBW only, I was hoping there were ( and there are ) a very small number of mtfs, there could be more of a live and let live sentiment. Though compared to EWF and Michfest it is predominantly het women,Lesbians are more in the background, quiet about it, but welcome. I on the other hand am out loud and proud since both Amazon and Lesbian Mysteries are intertwined for me. My first year in 2015 and partly to come down from Michfest I went to connect with midwestern Witches.

I taught my Amazon workshop just hoping and praying no mtfs would show up. There were about 10 womyn and it went well. None did.

In 2017 I opted just to attend  not teach.

But this year they deplatformed Ruth Barrett.  As a Dyke Witch/ Amazon Warrior who is Amazon and Dianic oriented I decided not to go, and even if i did, I may not be safe. Perhaps physically but not mentally or psychically should they discover my true WBW Dianic/Amazon oriented leanings...

Any born male present taints the energy even slightly as there were a few at Michfest. But the gynarchic field of womyn present is a powerful force. However catering to those who are not WBW dilutes it.

There is NOTHING more life and personally affirming for me than raising energy with likeminded Dykes and WBW, no bio male energy present!!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Depths of Lesbian Being Millenials Don't Get

I don't base my Lesbian identity and Way of Being on the outside het world, but the rich and diverse culture Lesbians HAD. Our social institutions were strong and being Lesbian is an entire world view free from intimate male sexual control unlike any other womyn alive, thus revolutionary. Lesbians are at the forefront of every radical social movement especially those benefitting women as a whole.

We had our Festivsls, our writers, our bookstores, even our own films, though low budget mostly, our own musicians and culture, our  Goddess, Mother Earth womon centered spirituality and many different ways of being sexual and erotic. Lesbian culture was at its finest at Michigan Womyns Music Festival where Dykes were outrageously creative in a way they never are in front of men. Lesbians are at the very center of womyns Mysteries and we are the Amazons other women often fear to be.
 Since most millennials would see a Lesbian or womyn only environment as " discriminatory" they never have been in a female and Lesbian centered environment free of men and male control, and there revolutions are born, Lesbians at front and center. Only there do I feel truly alive, seen and fully respected..amongst my Sister Dykes...and physically safe wandering the forest in the middle of the night KNOWING I will not be in danger, as I move amongst the sleeping womyn, or trek alone down the trail back to.my tent. That feeling of safety means I can put my psychic energy into something other than protection and truly open up my Female  Dyke/ Lesbian Soul.

What SF Dyke March Meant to me

The gathering of thousands of Lesbians at San Francisco Dyke March  was the height of my Pride Season.

Only there and at Michigan Womyns Music Festival were WE the majority and gathered en masse. I went from 1994 to the last year I was in the  SF Bay area, 2013.

I loved how Dykes of all stripes attended. But slowly unlike Michfest which kept its focus on Lesbians and womyn till the end, the organizers began focussing on the cause of the year, gay men would crash it because it was close to the Castro, and bisexual women brought their boyfriends. Young Butch women were beginning to transition to FTM and more Mtfs were attending.

The nail in the coffin was when from the stage one of the organizers announced SF Dyke March was for " All past present and future women" utterly changing its focus away from Lesbians/Dykes and towards the Trans movement.

    - In Sisterhood,
      - FeistyAmazon

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Guest Post- S.K. Petition to Confront Lesbian/Dyke Organizations Defaming SF Dyke Marchers

This is from a public forum but important to include here:

I want to say thank you to everyone who's signed the petition and contributed to the fundraiser for legal fees so far.  You are ALL appreciated SO much!  We're up to 760 signatures and climbing! 😊✊🔥

With that being said, I'm loving the comments on why people are signing it, and wanted to share this excellent and eloquently written reason by "S.K.".


"I'm tired of the misogynist attitudes that ignore women as an oppressed sex-identified minority (on a systemic level, by the larger society). Women are oppressed in their own right for their biological existence from birth according with/to gender stereotypes, and they are oppressed in regard to their sexual preferences and proclivities, slut-shamed, shamed for being not sexually "giving" enough, and shamed as lesbians for being female and attracted to only the same sex. These experiences are separate and distinct from what transwomen experience as males in the larger society, who feel a need for social recognition and acceptance into women's spaces. The needs of females and lesbians are often different and separate from (widely held) trans belief systems about how women should organize, "what women should say"; how women should express affinity/ relationship to each other, and how women can "appropriately" express their sexual attraction to other women in an "inclusive" way, when who they really need to include is members of their own political class and those who legitimately share their lived experience under the patriarchy as female lesbians. The appropriation and erasure of this experience is lesphobic and denies women their autonomy and rights as females to experience themselves as human and having a valid political and social experience of their own social and political reality without constant gaslighting and demands by transwomen for inclusion and centering. This has gotten to the point where homosexual woman are being told their sexuality is invalid and they are transphobic for not wanting to be with males. They are not allowed to define what males or females are or to define their oppressor class. Transwomen need to show respect and deference for females and lesbians as legitimate social minorities with mature lived experience within their own distinct political and social realities. What is happening on a large scale is cultural appropriation and micromanagement of female minority groups (lesbians and women), which includes telling women who they can and should be sexually attracted to, by males. Women are being silenced by transwomen, or males, and denied a right to protest and facing assimilation of their identities and political interests. These are people with a lived experience as a minority group. We're talking about 30-60 years of lived experience as a specific minority group being appropriated and erased by people with no shared lived experiences of being female, and completely different political interests that center male access to female spaces, identities, and sexual identities. Lesbians are being denied their own culture through forced male assimilation by threat of violence, coerced, manipulated into having sex with "male women" and denied pride in their sexuality by being told they are not inclusive "enough" of transwomen, they are expected to welcome transwomen into their beds, to bend and fold to male sexuality and political interests, and they are told they cannot speak publicly and organize as an independent affinity group; their female voices must represent trans interests at the expense of their own political interests and safety, and they must not be insensitive by reminding transwomen of what they don't have-- even when that represents the lived political reality of females who are told from birth that they are going to be women. The lesbians involved in dyke march protests are being told they are expressing hate by clearly stating their sex difference and the realities of their socialization process as female, but they are not expressing hate only their reality. It is not wise to attempt to change society to be more accepting of trans people by silencing women. If you want trans people to be accepted, patriarchal values and violence must be eliminated, and gender stereotypes must be eliminated. Saying demonstrations like this are hateful is a projection of fear, insecurity, and self-hate. The women who were attacked at the dyke march are simply representing their own separate political interests as females, which any legitimate minority group should have a right to do in this country. Lesbians deserve to have access to solidarity among themselves, political agency and organization, and respect for themselves and each other as a minority group with a valid lived experience that is separate and distinct from other minority and majority groups, and also a political voice that is not solely representing or representative of another groups political agenda. Females, or women, and female lesbians today remain concerned about their safety from male violence for good reason, and they are not wrong to want their right to their own self-definition and spaces as an oppressed and vulnerable class of people."-S.K.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

My Letter to NCLR Regarding Violence at SF Dyke March 2018

My letter to Kate Kendall ect concerning violence against Dyke Sisters at SF DYKE MARCH June 23 2018:

Letter to Kate Kendall and NCLR:

2:06 PM (43 minutes ago)

As a Lesbian Sister I appeal to as I did when it came to defending Michigan Womyn's Music Festival before and the protection of our WBW and Lesbian spaces in one of the biggest ongoing venues and safe spaces for Lesbians in the world. Michfest is now gone, and Lesbians no longer have any safe havens of our own, with the exception of much smaller Gatherings.

I lived in the SF Bay Area from December of 1983 to September 2013, 30 years, I marched in SF Dyke March from 1994 to 2013, before we left. I was there with my Lesbian Spouse  fighting for Marriage Equality along with you, and heard you speak eloquently for Marriage Equality in that struggle. We married in 2004, and then they took those marriages away 6 months later. We  marched and protested and even heard the arguements in the courtrooms..NCLR represented us then.

However NCLR has not been good in representing the Lesbian community when it comes to OUR struggles first and foremost. It is absolutely shameful that 12 Dyke Marchers, longtime activists and Lesbians, many who I personally know from the Bay Area and some also from online  while living here in Nebraska as good friends and allies, were viciously attacked by trans activistists and their supporters  for expressing their opinions on their signs. These signs were not nearly as incendiary as those in England, but Lesbians are tired of having ALL our spaces and places coopted by those who do not have our interests in mind but rather prefer to prey on our community.

I KNOW these womyn, I have politically worked and collaborated with these womyn, NONE of these Lesbians are violent individuals. I have watched the videos, read their statements, as well as their signs, and seen for 25 years the Lesbian community and my Sisters under attack bit by bit by transactivists and their supporters. They do not respect boundaries, but yet want their own. They do not want hate speech directed their way and control dialogue and words, and criticisms, but they sure dish it out.

Hate speech has turned into acts of violence, from two Oakland Lesbians and their son viciously murdered by trans activist Dana Rivers who spent many years protesting against Michfest at Camp Trans to constant trolling on every Lesbian and many womyn's groups with threatening hate and rapist speech towards Lesbians, Feminists and women they disagree with. To a hateful display on at the San Francisco Library put on by the Degenderettes on Punching Terfs, decorating baseball bats with paint and barbed wire, and stealing our matriarchal symbol the Labryis as a symbol of Lesbian and Amazon Pride, and morphing it into a weapon they threaten to use against any so called 'TERFS', which is a hate word Nor do we want to be called ":Cis" or 'Queer".

We are LESBIANS, DYKE FEMALES out loud and proud. We do not want sex with ANY  born males, nor is penis female any way they want to sell it. Bottomline Lesbians have a RIGHT at this point to date who we want, when we want, and engage in the sexacts WE DESIRE between two Female bodies. We also have a right to our own spaces, and to defend Lesbian youth, and encourage them to THINK before transitioning at such a young age, before they really know who they are. That there are other possibilities, which one of the signs addressed. All the side effects going on T.We all know countless Lesbian women who have been actively pressured to transition, which is now extending to youth.

More and more are starting to detransition after seeing what these hormones do to their bodies, and that what was promised them was smoke and mirrors.

But the bottomline is that violence is NEVER acceptable or ganging up on one's so called Sisters, IN A DYKE MARCH  which is OUR night of Pride. Built up by Longterm Lesbians such as these Sisters and others who have lived a lifetime both as Lesbians and as Females. There is a Trans  March for them the night before.

We will no longer stand for cooptation of our communities, our bodies, our beings or identities or for the continuing censorship and threats of violence or ACTUAL violence from the trans community and their supporters.

We will hold all Lesbian Organizations accountable to actually represent US. Lesbians. Born Female women who love and lust and partner with other women, who have lived and created  Lesbian community together, who long for our Sisterhood, our lost spaces and lost connections.

What we saw at Dyke March is Lesbophobia, real true Lesbian hating. And completely unacceptable. Violence is NEVER ok.

Whether it be Dyke March, loss of Michfest, loss of our bookstores and Lesbian businesses, our gathering spaces, chased out of our OWN commmunities, silenced on the internet, deplatformed, signs ripped out of our hands, beat up, pushed down or even murdered, our Butches and baby Butches pressured to take Testosterone while the Pharmaceutical, Psychiatric, Medical industries grow fat over Female bodies, and male ones too, and the crime of pressuring youth to transition that do not conform, when 80% or more of them if left alone would come out Lesbian or Gay, we will NO LONGER be silenced, or tolerate violence against us. We ARE angry, and we ask that YOU as  a Lesbian Sister hear us, with our NAME in your Organization. We will NOT be battered anymore by the GBT, or organizations that no longer represent us.

                                          -In Lesbian Sisterhood,
                                           -FeistyAmazon/ M.A.

My Letter to San Francisco Dyke March after the violence against Sister Dykes

The March occurred on June 23rd 2018 when the violence took place:

Letter to San Francisco Dyke March:
I have attended San Francisco Dyke March for close to 20 years from 1994 until 2013.
Unfortunately due to the Recession I could no longer get work in my field or afford rent so I had to relocate to Nebraska. However, I have kept up with my Bay Area Lesbian friends and communities as much as possible from a distance. I also was a Safety Monitor for the Disabled Dyke Cable Car, and tabled for Dyke March severa times selling T shirts, along with attending all those years. It was the highlight of my Pride season to be around that many Lesbians/Dykes of all stripes.

I was shocked and appalled when I found out 12 longtime older OUT Activist Lesbians, many whom I have known personally; and some as friends and allies over the Internet; were attacked by Trans Activists and their allies at San Francisco Dyke March. Neither did your Safety Monitors support them or guide them to safety or stop the harassers. They had to engage the police to stop the mob who swarmed them. Signs were ripped out of their hands, they were pushed to the ground several times, had their heels stepped on. I read what had happened, saw the videos.

These are women that I know, that are nonviolent, that have a RIGHT to be at Dyke March even if they have a difference of opinion. Some of their signs were prescient in the attack endured by Dykes/Lesbians online and off, with physical, sexual and other threats. "We will not be silenced by your violence." They are the kind of activists that were VITAL to creating Dyke/Lesbian community in the first place!!

Hate speech has turned into acts of physical violence, from two Oakland Lesbians and their son viciously murdered by trans activist Dana Rivers who spent many years protesting against Michfest at Camp Trans to constant trolling on every Lesbian and many womyn's groups with threatening hate and rapist speech towards Lesbians, Feminists and women they disagree with. To a hateful display put on at the San Francisco Library by the Degenderettes on Punching Terfs, decorating baseball bats with paint and barbed wire, and stealing our matriarchal symbol the Labryis as a symbol of Lesbian and Amazon Pride, and morphing it into a weapon they threaten to use against any so called 'TERFS', which is a hate word. Nor do we want to be called ":Cis" or 'Queer". I also heard that shirts from the Degenderettes were being sold at Dyke March, "I Punch Terfs". Advocating violence is NEVER acceptable.

We are LESBIANS, DYKE FEMALES out loud and proud. We do not want sex with ANY  born males, nor is penis female any way they want to sell it. Bottomline Lesbians have a RIGHT  to date who we want, when we want, and engage in the consensual sexacts WE DESIRE between two Female bodies. We also have a right to our own spaces, and to defend Lesbian youth, and encourage them to THINK before transitioning at such a young age, before they really know who they are. That there are other possibilities, which one of the signs addressed. All the side effects going on Testosterone. We all know countless Lesbian women who have been actively pressured to transition, which is now extending to youth.

More and more are starting to detransition after seeing what these hormones do to their bodies, and that what was promised them was smoke and mirrors. Coming back to OWN their Female and Lesbian selves.

But the bottomline is that violence is NEVER acceptable or ganging up on one's so called Sisters, IN A DYKE MARCH  which is OUR night of Pride. Built up by Longterm Lesbians such as these Sisters and others who have lived a lifetime both as Lesbians and as Females. There is a Trans  March for Trans people the night before. I would not barge into that EXPECTING they accomodate me as a lifelong Dyke and Female, or threaten them with violence.

We will no longer stand for cooptation of our communities, our bodies, our beings or identities or for the continuing censorship and threats of violence or ACTUAL violence from the trans community and their supporters.

We will hold all Lesbian Organizations accountable to actually represent US. Lesbians. Dykes. Born Female women who love and lust and partner with other women, who have lived and created Dyke/Lesbian community together, who long for our Sisterhood, our lost spaces and lost connections.

What we saw at Dyke March is Lesbophobia, real true Lesbian hating. And completely unacceptable. Violence is NEVER ok.

The Dyke March Committee will need to do some soul searching. Do you HONOR your Lesbian and Dyke Elders, us older big Butches, and basically matriarchs of the Dyke Movement who broke ground and territory before it was in, popular or safe, or do you not? Femme and androgynous Dykes too.  Is there no room for differing opinions, and like the current Administration any opposition must be silenced with violence, dismissal or false narratives? Because this was nothing short of those men marching in Charlottesville with their torches chanting "Blood and Soil".Except it was 'TERFS got to go".  Fortunately none of these women were seriously hurt. They did suffer bruises however. Check out all the hate speech  that is said against those who speak out at terfisaslur dot com.

Whether it be Dyke March, loss of Michfest, loss of our bookstores and Lesbian businesses, our gathering spaces, chased out of our OWN commmunities, silenced on the internet, deplatformed, signs ripped out of our hands, beat up, pushed down or even murdered, our Butches and baby Butches pressured to take Testosterone while the Pharmaceutical, Psychiatric, Medical industries grow fat over Female bodies, and male ones too, and the crime of pressuring youth to transition that do not conform, when 80% or more of them if left alone would come out Lesbian or Gay, we will NO LONGER be silenced, or tolerate violence against us. We ask that YOU as Dyke Sisters hear us, with our NAME in your Organization. We will NOT be battered anymore by the GBT, or organizations that no longer represent us.

                                                       -In Sisterhood,

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

90,000 Years back..that seamless Menstrual Blood Mystery Threadol

This makes the human Female unique, emerging from the animal estrus cycle to the human Female menstrual cycle. Our common Female ancestor can be traced back 90, 000 years. Compared to males we are biologically complex creatures...

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Guest Post: Experience at 2018 SF Dyke March by Anonymous Dyke

I marched with 11 women in the San Francisco Dyke March Saturday night (June 23rd). It was a terrible experience. Worse than I was expecting. We got harassed and bullied from the very beginning because of the signs some of us were carrying. Three of my friends got pushed down and had their signs torn up and taken away. But we all kept marching the full length of the march. A sizable crowd followed us and chanted like a mob and surrounded us: Transphobes gotta go! It was pretty awful and we had to get the police for protection. We were totallly non-violent! We were representing lesbian voices and visibility. The hate on these mostly young people's faces -- both men and women-- was frightening. One of my friends got knocked down three times and she kept getting up and carrying her sign even though by the end of the March it was in shreds. Her sign said Biology is not Bigotry. And the other sign said You cannot silence me with violence. She was a true Amazon Warrior and kept marching. The rest of us tried to protect her including her partner who also got knocked down and whose sign got taken away. We finally got the police but they were fairly clueless and at first they thought we were the instigators. One of my friends almost got arrested because the mob tried to paint us as the aggressors. Oh San Francisco -- you used to be such a great place. You kind of suck now. Too much hate. There is a large segment of the trans advocates community who really hate feminist lesbians. They also hate freedom of speech, and their response is one of crushing free speech, as we witnessed, and we're seeing this over and over again not just yesterday. They block free discussion of ideas. For those of us who still believe in democratic expression of ideas-- it's time to step up and make your voices heard now! -Anonymous Dyke

Sunday, June 3, 2018

In Response to the Llewelyn article " Why is Queer Magic So Powerful?"

Well being a Lesbian who practices Lesbian magic ever since the Dyke Witches brought me out, I could tell you two reasons why: our energy is NOT tied up in procreation, that is no. 1

No. 2 is the gynomorphic field of pure Female energy, as womanfested particularly at Michfest, which was an INTENSELY MAGICAL and freeing Amazon Nation, 75 to 90% Lesbian. The Goddess is absolutely centered on that Land and a Goddess statue 30 ft tall erected every year for the 3 months womyn inhabited the Land building the Festival each year, the Festival itself then taking it down.

It simply was the most powerful magical affirming place for me as a matriarchal DykeAmazon Warrior/Witch that goes beyond words. Magic was present there everyday, constant drumming the heartbeat of the Land and all manner of ritual...Lesbian Magic fueled it all...it was the most explosive colorful example of Female creativity I have ever witnessed and this was before Burning Man.

One of the most magical.moments for me was the 400 strong Womyns Spiral Dance in 2015. I have been to large womyns rituals, but THAT was the largest I had EVER been to, we took over an entire meadow.

There were other workshops, experiences, and the final night of performances with 1000 womyn strong there in the Acoustic Bowl, which was literally one long beautiful immensely powerful ritual where true DykeAmazon Magic was done that went beyond words, between the gifted singers, Amazons and Priestesses.
Talk about POWERFUL Matriarchal Dyke Magic, that was it, and I was blessed to be part of that Sacred Amazon Tribal Gathering. NEVER have I been so affirmed on EVERY Level as a Dyke, and as a Female as I was at Michfest. Or experienced so many powerful Mysteries packed into a single week. There I was free.


Dyke is NOT a term open to bisexuals as Dykes do NOT fuck men. Dykes are LESBIANS. There is no part of Lesbianism or Dyke Being that includes ongoing sexual contact with men.

Bisexuals have the terms queer and pansexual they can add to their repertoire, NOT DYKE.

Saturday, May 26, 2018


For me, being a Lesbian is an entire Worldview and Way of Being, and it is completely revolutionary by putting womyn first and foremost in our lives on ALL these levels: sexually, emotionally, intellectually, psychically and spiritually. I worship at the Yoni/Vulva of my choice including my own!! Lesbianism is completely freeing for me, as well as sexually empowering. Lesbianism is an erotic designation; but a spiritual designation also....because for me my Sexuality and Spirituality are One.

Proud Tomboy who Grew up to be Butch like most ButchDykes: Do NOT demonize Tomboy!

PROUD Tomboy who came out as a Butch Dyke. I believe I have that tomboy book.

By demonizing tomboy makes it so much easier to substitute transing to a "real" boy. I soo wanted to be a boy, but NOT because I wanted a penis, but because I did NOT want to do the boring domesticated crap girls are expected to do like play with dolls and play house, imitating the grown up roles of Suzy Homemaker and baby nurturer.

No I wanted the fun adventures boys had, exploring, playing sports, bike riding, tree climbing and running wild. AND the respect and POWER that males had over females. Nor did I want to wear dresses or skirts. I played ice hockey, did martial arts way before most girls did...tomboy was a place I could exist with few role models, models I searched and STILL SEARCH far and wide for. Another form of girl/ womon who RESISTED femininity.

As Feminism rose from 1969 on, at the tender age of 9, PROMISING equality and opportunity with boys/ men, it gave me enormous hope

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Warrior Queens- GUEST POST Pippa Fleming

"The DaddiGirl is about to spill some tea...Y'all don't fool this old dyke. I come from an ancient tribe called lesbian "The Warrior Queens" and remember the days when female born women who loved female born women intimately and as sexual partners understood our uniqueness, herstory and tribal covenants.

This misogynist and patriarchal driven nouveau, pop-cultural invasion and reframing of the female sex and sexuality disguised as gender identity politics and ethics, is nothing but the devil's workshop! Those that are pushing this deception want you caught up in the name game so tough, you don't get to talk about who you truly are. What's your preferred pronoun got everybody scared and confused. I am a strong believer in being in control of naming oneself, it puts the power back into the individual's hands and can eliminate guessing and bullshit assumptions.

But let's be honest peeps...the gender identity agenda that's got you scared to say lesbian, pussy, female, vagina, breasts...the agenda that's got females afraid to say they bleed, get wet, love their clits, coochie bang, get pregnant, have hot flashes...the agenda that's telling females that biology means nothing ( so how you fools think you got to planet earth?...that white fucking Stork)...the agenda that's chipping away at female reproductive rights...the agenda that says females can't be exclusive.

The LGBTQI community used to be a sanctuary for spiritual enlightenment, political savvy, artistic innovation, cultural diversity and yeah bullshit too but damn we were smart. Hell yeah we have to fight the good fight and protect all of our rights...but you will not do it by erasing my lesbian clan, our wisdom, our culture.

True activism is about seeing who's missing from the room and bridging the gaps to reach them. The LGBTQI acronym is supposed to represent our growth at acknowledging our unique differences and identities...We better learn how to say all of our names instead of shaming our names!"


Friday, April 13, 2018

Embodied Female Being and Space

I am NOT feminine. I am FEMALE. Primal Amazon Female. Fiery, Sun sign Leo, deeply emotional Moon in Pisces. The Yin and Yang of me. One is expressed openly to the world, the other well hidden, BOTH a part of me.

I see the World through Lesbian Eyes. AND HAVE ever since the Dyke Witches brought me out in 1981 and I began rituualling with and becoming one of them. Been an Amazon ever since puberty when I got into martial arts in 1974, before it was popular for females to do so.

It gave me an edge many other females lacked. A fearlessness, but also an awareness, HOW to.move about the world in Female Power, along with being introduced to Feminism in 1969 at 9 years old.

Putting females first, foremost forever...to bring forth POWERFUL Female energy, in solidarity, in Sisterhood, made most manifest for 40 years in the modern day Amazonia of the Michigan Womyns Music Festival.

The SHEER POTENCY of sustained Female only space to breathe, to be, to dream to BE, to commune with Goddess, to open up spiritually, the sheer Gynergy, to awaken to Powers we had LONG FORGOTTEN, but awaken to away from Patriarchy and the Concrete jungle, there is NOTHING MORE MAGICAL than womyn and woodz coming together powerfully and discovering our Power and Magic and Sisterhood TOGETHER, something long forgotten. But to LIVE IT year after year to put OUR VALUES first and foremost, to feel our freedom denied to us in the world of men, goes beyond words.

Just watch the first 20 minutes of the Wonder Woman movie and you will catch a small glimpse of what usDykeAmazon types seek with EVERY fiber of our Being, and HAD for 40 years at Michfest.

Elderflower was my first introduction to IMMERSED Female only sporitual and physical space where I open up psychically in a way I cannot anywheres else.

The last Michfest was as glorified as the ending Fireworks, all stops pulled out of our last modern Amazon Matriarchy in 2015, and a Spiral Dance of 400 womyn strong!!! Just simply amazing, goes beyond words, the Goddess fully embodied on that Sacred Land, as She is in the Redwoods..

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Claiming Butch, Not Giving it Up for Gender Abolitionists or Anybody Else

Being primarily Butch on Butch I been vilified for it in the past. However, for me Butchness does NOT automatically mean one is exclusively into Femmes. I do not define my Butchness by what type of womon I have sex with. I enjoy both in different ways.

I define my Butchness by who I have been ALL ALONG, a female who has defied and resisted femininity and stereotyped female roles ALL MY LIFE. I went from Tomboy starting at about age 7 when I rejected dolls, to Butch when I came out at 21.

EVERY true blue Butch I've known WHETHER she's into Butches or Femmes or both, has been a lifelong resister against strait jacketed hetro feminine roles, aka "genda".

She is NOT like the androgyne like the Lesbian sex ads require" just as comfortable in a dress or skirt as pants and a jacket." NO. Distinctly NOT. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US RESISTED. Fought with parents, schools,  peers, workplaces ect to wear the clothes we feel most comfortable in. And to participate in hobbies and careers and interests often designated mostly or primarily for males.

We are not merely androgynous, though we do have both our female and Amazon qualities that help us to feel and be completely comfortable in our comportment.

And then as we put pieces together we realize we are Lesbians with our strong attraction to Females revealed over time.

EVERY Butch I have known has resisted stereotyped female gender roles and expectations from a very young age, choosing to be free, or more in her power, often by adopting men's styles which offer far more greater freedom of movement.

Any woman who claims Butches as automatically anti feminist is really afraid of women who dont follow hetro gender norms and sex stereotypes. We broke outta the mold wayyy before most women have and thusly feared.

Many take on male power or imitate it because there is no other role model, except Amazons. I consider modern day female proud/centered Butches as modern day Amazons and THEY were murdered for THEIR defiance of female sexroles, femininity and claiming independence from men and INSISTENCE LIKE US BUTCHES in being treated equally, and NOT backing down. We do not acquiesce, we do not comply to their needs.

That is precisely why men hate us so and other women fear us.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

" Free Speech is Going Down Fast"

My response to that title on a Facebook thread about censorship of Lesbians and Gender critical Feminists:

You dont have to tell me, HERE on Facebook is a hotbed of CONTINUAL CENSORSHIP. BACK UP ALL YOUR WRITINGS. BACK UP YOUR PROFILES.

Many of have gone underground building our Roots, interweaving them, especially after the loss of our Amazonia, our Festival. But WE,STILL HAVE THE LAND. Never give up, never surrender, but BUILD AND NETWORK SISTERS. DO NOT BACK DOWN. Others,are coming to their senses, peak trans.

The tides will change once all the class action lawsuits start rolling in from these mad eugenic doctors, surgeons and psyches, side effects from not just the surgeries and breast binders, but the artificial hormones.

More and more detransitioners everyday.

Continue on, most of all KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There are many good blogs, 4th Wave Now written by real parents in pain to their children catching the trans contagion, to Gendertrender which a gendercritical Lesbian actively investigates and reports on the latest infuriating trans trend, to my blog DykesforDykes on Blogger to Ruth Barret's anthology Female Erasure to Bonnie Morris' The Disappearing L to our Lesbian Anthology which yours truly opens with a poem.

Sisters you are NOT ALONE!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


In response to a pal who another tried to insult her by calling her a Lesbian Feminst Dianic Witch for defending WBW space, some of us ARE: 

I NEVER see those terms as insults. Call me a Dyke, an Amazon, Lesbian, Butch, Feminist or Dianic anyday, I will OWN THEM, thus they are NOT insults...but DONT call me a girl or lady, cis queer or terf.

At 57, I am no longer a girl, and being a butch Dyke, I am NOT a lady, nor ever wanted to be..I had THAT taunt "act like a lady" enough in my younger life.

Dianic is my religion, feminist is my philosophy politically and otherwise, putting womyn first, foremost and forever, Lesbianism is my worldview both sexually and spiritually as in: I worship the Sacred Female within and without, sexually, emotionally, intellectually, psychically and spiritually.

EVERYTHING I see through Lesbian eyes, hence for me, all qualities are Female qualities, I have my fiery, watery, airy and Earthy moments, All are part of me and each womon. They are NOT gendered. I lust after and love womyn and my Sacred Yoni, and hers...  -MasterAmazon

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Own your body!

The whole idea of having to change one's body is what is oppressive gender is a hierarchy males on top females beneath them and has been so for thousands of years unfortunately changing things with hormones and surgeries is not the answer deep deep self acceptance is to own the body one has and however you express yourself within itIt is the self expression that get censored I know that as a lifelong Butch Dyke who was a young tomboy and I have paid for it in so many different ways.  To see so many young women convinced out of their womanhood to be pressure to take hormones and how surgeries that damage the female bodies and at younger and younger ages even to children nobody knowing really what these hormones do.

 especially to these children and we know  Both artificial estrogen and artificial testosterone   is very unhealthy,  The easier softer way would be to get rid of the of gender  roles altogether and then allow a female or male express themselves any way they want dress any way they want and have access to any profession they want to have access to

 its the limits put upon especially female bodies that is completely oppressive and why so many young girls want to transition to boys it comes down to sexism.

It is horrifying the number of young girls and women who are transitioning worldwide now that is not the answer and at the same time women are being limited in their abilities to have abortion am birth control much less to be lesbian where in so many countries they could be imprisoned and/or put to death so to transition to male means to move into more privilege and to be left alone.

And more and more of these young women as they wake up are de transitioning,  Coming back to their female selves again.

 This eugenics experiment cannot last and is making the pharmaceuticals the surgeons the medical industry in the psychiatric and psychological industries rich thats the bottom line and I won't drink that Kool aid I will support sovereign female space

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Be a Sister, Not a Mister Poem by MasterAmazon

Be a Sister, Not a Mister.
Throw your lot in with us, not our oppressors.

We will teach you to love your handsome body,

Your strong and full Butch Breasts
Your sensitive nipples

Your sweet full lips, your smooth skin, your multi orgasmic capacity.

Be a Sister, not a Mister,
We will share with you how to
Embrace your Fierce Amazon Spirit,
Womyn are incredibly strong because Strength does NOT reside in muscles alone. Horses are much stronger than humans, but they can be easily led. You are not a brute or beast of burden, you are so much more..

Be a Sister, not a Mister,
Being a Dyke is one way to fly to freedom from male control.
In the company of fierce and gentle Sisters raising Energy and Magic,
We are nearly Infinite,
Connected with Goddess within and Without, our fierce strong magical Amazonian, healing, passionate, musical, wildly creative untamed Womonly Ways nearly forgotten..unless in the sparking Souls of SisterSelves self sufficient in OUR FREEDOM. WE KNOW THIS. WE LIVED IT FOR 40 YEARS IN OUR OWN SELF MADE AMAZONIA.

Be a Sister, not a Mister, remain with US, keep your fierce Female Self fully intact.

Blessed be, Sister. - By MasterAmazon/F.A.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

SF Herstory: Loss of Our Butches and Dyke/Women's Spaces

S.B, we ran with the same folkx in SF. I REMEMBER when the tranny trend hit SF, and OUR Castro community. Handsome handsome Butches I knew who were announcing they were making the switch. It broke my heart and STILL DOES everytime one did. They were no longer my Butch Dyke Sister. Now they identified with and wanted to be a DUDE.

They were doing everything to hide their femaleness which attracted me to them IN THE FIRST PLACE.  Often once they began transitioning,  they became very unkempt in appearance, more aggressive and harsh it attitude with their scraggly little beards.

Some began identifying with and FUCKING Gay men. They talked horrible about Lesbians. They rejected OUR world for the male one, male nouns, pronouns ect and some INSISTEF STILL being allowed into Dyke and Female spaces, corroding it in the process with their new man filled presence and energy.

The faggy ones were like soft dykes with beards, mostly fucking gay guys.  But they werent lije the old fashioned FTMS who thoroughly wanted to be dudes and live MALE lives, who GOT OUT of Lesbian and Female spaces and either went to pansexual or male ones, or moved to another town, married their femme girlfriends, had hysterectomies so they would no longer bleed and went and lived consitently MALE lives
 No talk of "men having babies(ftms) or Lesbians with penises(mtfs)".

But with the whole queerification of that particular in crowd, Butches you and I knew, it destroyed much of the SF Lesbian community, womyn only spaces, bookstores, coffeshops and hot tubs. Our gloroius womyn only play parties too. Disappearance of all our Dyke bars.

I saw first Artemis Cafe bite the dust, then one by one our womens bookstores,  spaces, groups, Brick Hut cafe in the East bay Woman Crafts West an art/craft store of mostly Lesbian craftswomen wares, our Tradeswomen training groups, then begin to accomodate men, Women in Apprenticeship disappear which helped get me in the trades Osento, a Lesbian owned and operated Hot tub place I matronized regularly eventually allowed full transition transwomen in, but THEN FTMS, who claim they are MEN WANTED IN TOO. With their fuzzy beards and breastless chests and heavy body hair due to T.

Summer had enough, and like so many other Lesbian holdouts villified for keeping womens space, WOMENS SPACE, she decided to retire.

You left wayyy before we did in 2014.

We got sick of going to SF because as two Butches, OBVIOUSLY FEMALE, we were starting to be called by male pronouns. This happened mostly in SF. As if the gravest insult to a Butch was considering her FEMALE.

This didnt happen in the more Dyke identified East Bay. I couldnt stand to go to SF and see yet ONE MORE BUTCH I KNEW announce she was making the switch.

It was a trendoid "in" thing with IMMNENSE peer pressure especially amongst the young.

A macho one upmanship.

Not enough to be Butch, even a fierce Butch Leatherdyke.

No you had to pack, regularly, softies not just hard ones for sex or a play party.

Then breast binding became popular, which like a corset can bring real damage to the lungs or heart or ribs over time.

No not enough. Next was going on T, changing ones name to something more male, dress more male appearing, grow a mustache or a scraggly beard till full facial and body hair.

No not enough, next was breast surgery and most stopped there.

Having a big clit/minidick was enough cuz they KNEW the bottom surgery was dangerous, expensive, and would destroy whatever sexual sensation they had.

So most live in this limbo of male appearing on the outside and female underneath.

But like M. said, it became a ghosttown for Butches. We would go to the Castro, no more Butches. 20 somethings with their titties chopped off, myriad gay men and Femmes. All the handsome visible Butches GONE.

Convinced them after all that "You just wanna be a man." And thats EXACTLY what they became.  Sorta.

Injecting the Patriarchy into their body with every drop of T.  Literally.

Self hate at its finest. And all the strong Butch Amazon Lesbian Warriors gone. Transformed to some smoke and mirrors version of macho "manhood".

Fucking fucking SAD. -   MasterAmazon

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Respect Goes Two Ways-Guest Post: Miriam Ben Shalom

Response by Miriam Ben-Shalom to Lesbian criticizing Lesbians who no longer support Trans Movement:

Maybe if trans would stop threatening to kill us because we know a male is a male is a male—then and only then—

Maybe if trans would stop forcing themselves into our spaces and give us respect then and only then--

Maybe if people identifying as trans would not try to erase us  --then and only then--

Maybe if the trans community took to task their members who threaten to kill us, main us, use our body parts for nefarious pleasures—then and only then--

Maybe if humans identifying as trans would give us the same respect, civility, and consideration as they want then--- and only then—

Maybe if males identifying as trans would --stop--saying they are Lesbians and stop telling young dykes they are really men and need to transition, then--and only then—
Maybe when the trans community starts working on male pattern violence as opposed to trying to force women to believe and accept their fantasies/fetishes/autogynephilia/narcissism, then--and only then—

Maybe when trans and their allies stop going after children--then. --and only then-- 

Maybe when the trans and their activists realize that women (and children) are entitled to human rights and that their rights do not supersede the rights of women—THEN AND ONLY THEN.
         - Miriam Ben-Shalom

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Straight Women wanting to open up Sacred women's spaces to men

I have absolutely no interest in opening my mysteries to men it's enough to think about organizing a coffee or a lunch with this pagan community which is thoroughly mixed and there are no women only spaces.

I will defend my women born women spaces rituals Amazons and Dianic communities to my dying day and beyond because women need it.

There are plenty of men who have men only space all the time and especially in regards to religious situations like Catholic priesthood Tibetan priesthood so on and so forth and women are merely nuns. same with orthodox Jewry and so much for the men and so little for the women there plenty religions around the world that are patriarchally run by and for the men where women are 2nd fiddle.

And don't get me started with those born male who are crashing into our spaces over and over again most who haven't even fully transitioned and still retain a penis.

As far as a red tent ceremony goes it's about menarche, Menstruation and menopause all of these are female mysteries.

The whole opening up question is again women being codependent to males so if this is what you want to do I will gladly leave this group.

There is plenty of healing work women need to do with women on this planet and there's plenty of healing work men to need to do with men to hold them accountable for their violence against us and against our mother Earth and Her creatures. And their near worship of violence and warmongering.
        -MasterAmazon/  F.A.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

In Response to Censorship of Vagina Anthem and a Pink Pussy Hat put on Harriet Tubman Statue

So here is my POINT, to pick up from the Vagina Anthem Lesbians being censored in FAVOR of trans.

I was reading on the  Debate about somebody putting a pink pussy hat on Harriet Tubman statue.

 For non Americans Harriet Tubman was a black woman who rescued slaves in the underground railroad they called it so she was quite a shero but a black woman shero of course so the black folks were upset especially some black women and one wrote a poem to try to wake white women up that this was inappropriate.

 That I can understand because many black women feel slighted by white feminism and the fact that 53% of white women voted for trump which makes me mad and that's where I bring in my Jewish and lesbian background that I definitely wasn't one of those women and I am  oppressed by that system in different ways.

 However where I live now I am surrounded by those types all over the white working class in the mid West and there isn't a democratic senator or congressperson to be seen for miles and miles hundreds of miles.

 In any case she talks about in her poem about this situation with a pink pussy hat and wake up white woman and don't assume your issues are our issues basically but also throws in the oppression of queer and trans women of color and how not every woman has a pussy or vagina so that's what I have a problem and I don't wanna say it on my profile because I feel safer in here.

 I can get behind the black woman struggle the black lesbian struggle but I am sorry I am not supporting trans because they don't support lesbians and in her Poem she mentions women and trans she never says the L word or the D word Dyke so in that sense I feel completely invisible.

 As we are every time we try to assert ourselves that all those for communities are not the same and we have very differing needs it would be just like saying people of color:  Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Indigenous people, ALL  Have the same needs  And history that's what LGBT means to me it means invisible Ising us lesbians because our needs are very different than the other groups all of them have men in volved and then you involve all those other letters and keep adding to it and lesbians become even more invisible that's why the let's remove the L from it because and they've already remove the L actually. Lesbians/Dykes are barely  Mentioned anymore unless putting us down or silencing us and assuming we're under the great queer umbrella and that women and trans includes us automatically
Dont compare us to Trump. Since when have lesbians had billions of dollars to force their will on others, with full State  support and threatening violence, and enacting it?

Trans have threatened Lesbians and radical feminists and other women over and over again because we disagree.  With murder and rape. This is what MALES do. No matter HOW they dress or act or what feminine gestures they imitate.

Us Lesbians HAVE BOUNDARIES. This is WHY we are hated. We do not cater to males sexually PERIOD. IF there's a penis attached, NO THANKS. A dildo is NOT a penis and will NEVER get you pregnant. No false equivalencies. Lesbians come in all races, ages, sizes, ethnicities and ways of expression from high femme to hardcore Butch and everything inbetween. But we only recognize bio females/wbw as Lesbians=Female homosexuals.


Dont count me out or dismiss me
Dont tell me who to have sex with, or how to have that sex
My body is my own, as are my desires
This Butch Leather DykeAmzon hs been around a long while.

I choose my associations, my communities, my allies. Dont bar me from what feeds my power, my strength, my self esteem. The ONE PLACE I CAN FULLY BE MYSELF.

As a Witch,  as an Amazon,  As a lover of women As a place I feel safe and can let go of the guards I constantly put up for protection that place is born female space especially lesbian born female space but in that space I can be all of who I am not just a part.

So many parts I have to shave off to survive in the patriarchy to keep a job and my sanity.

 I cannot let that wild woman out I cannot let that part of me that loves women desires women express herself freely in the company of men,  or women who are lesbophobic,  Or who fear their own lesbian desires.  Only in lesbian centered female sovereign space.

 It is something so many young women no longer experience and something young women may never get to experience because our spaces are impinged upon a place where they can think their own thoughts without males' interference feel their own desires try things new that they are not allowed to in the outside world or put down for or belittled.

 The gynomorphic energy of women coming together is the most powerful force for change I have ever experienced. There I found my true self and like minded sister souls who understand me down to the depths.

As an Amazon Warrior a Dyke Amazon I refuse to give this sacred space up. I will fight for it till my dying day and beyond.
        -M.A/ F.A.

Monday, January 15, 2018


In response to comparing Lesbians to 45 or his supporters because we have BOUNDARIES:

Dont compare us to Trump. Since when have lesbians had billions of dollars to force their will on others, with full State  support and threatening violence, and enacting it?

Trans have threatened Lesbians and radical feminists and other women over and over again because we disagree.  With murder and rape. This is what MALES do. No matter HOW they dress or act or what feminine gestures they imitate.

Us Lesbians HAVE BOUNDARIES. This is WHY we are hated. We do not cater to males sexually PERIOD. IF there's a penis attached, NO THANKS. A dildo is NOT a penis and will NEVER get you pregnant. No false equivalencies. Lesbians come in all races, ages, sizes, ethnicities and ways of expression from high femme to hardcore Butch and everything inbetween. But we only recognize bio females/wbw as Lesbians=Female homosexuals.

           - M.A.