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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Depths of Lesbian Being Millenials Don't Get

I don't base my Lesbian identity and Way of Being on the outside het world, but the rich and diverse culture Lesbians HAD. Our social institutions were strong and being Lesbian is an entire world view free from intimate male sexual control unlike any other womyn alive, thus revolutionary. Lesbians are at the forefront of every radical social movement especially those benefitting women as a whole.

We had our Festivsls, our writers, our bookstores, even our own films, though low budget mostly, our own musicians and culture, our  Goddess, Mother Earth womon centered spirituality and many different ways of being sexual and erotic. Lesbian culture was at its finest at Michigan Womyns Music Festival where Dykes were outrageously creative in a way they never are in front of men. Lesbians are at the very center of womyns Mysteries and we are the Amazons other women often fear to be.
 Since most millennials would see a Lesbian or womyn only environment as " discriminatory" they never have been in a female and Lesbian centered environment free of men and male control, and there revolutions are born, Lesbians at front and center. Only there do I feel truly alive, seen and fully respected..amongst my Sister Dykes...and physically safe wandering the forest in the middle of the night KNOWING I will not be in danger, as I move amongst the sleeping womyn, or trek alone down the trail back to.my tent. That feeling of safety means I can put my psychic energy into something other than protection and truly open up my Female  Dyke/ Lesbian Soul.

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