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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Monday, October 24, 2016

We are "Not Just Calling Ourselves Butch", We ARE Butch Dykes, a Tribal Sisterhood!!

Not just "calling oneself Butch", this is who we are, and we have a long and proud HERSTORY!!!My Butchness has nothing to do with whether I have a Femme partner or not, I enjoy BOTH... but it has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH what kind of womon loving womon Female I am, and have been from a very young age, ALWAYS defiant of femininity and wanting to be a boy because of the greater freedoms and opportunities, NOT BECAUSE I WANTED A PENIS.

Most Butches I know shared a very similar herstory from a young age. They GET IT. Either you get it, or you dont. If you dont dont tell us how to be as Dykes..we get ENOUGH OF THAT from the straight world and GBT. And its one reason many Butches felt the original Lesbian Feminist movement did not include them. We are a long lasting underground Tribe as Judy Grahn, Butch Lesbian author writes about.

I came out partly cuz it wasnt working with me and men, and found who I truly was..a Dyke, but ALSO for the first time in my life, I met womyn LIKE ME, who were strongly Radical Feminist AND BUTCH. This was 1981, they were my role models and mentors!!!They taught me things I never imagined. Brought me into womyns ritual circles and Goddess worship, brought me out into a female affirmative Lesbian world I never imagined...

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