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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How Women Are Treated By Other Women: GUEST POST by C. T.

Solidarity and Sisterhood are the bottomline for me. Here's my Sister Butch pal's share:

"The issue, here, is and always has been (at least for me), how women are treated by other women. Any group of women, that consistently denigrates another group of women because they don't fit neatly into their dogmatic box IS BANKRUPT. In these discussions, it's been butches and femmes, but it might as well be hetero women, mothers, or women in tutus. A very negativistic and cruel strain of "RFism" is being plied these days. It does nothing to improve the lot of women. It's reactionary, divisive and destructive. It's "Feminism" in name only. I will warrior on against it to my last breath. Though it will likely result in me being, again, accused of chauvinism for being literate, this: "For what will it profit a (wo)man if [she] gains the whole world and forfeits [her] soul?' "- C.T.

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