Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Lifelong LandDyke Jo GUEST POST

 I met Jo in an over 50 Lesbian group which was NOT entirely about Lesbians. Y'all know what I mean....and she had this wonderful share as a lifelong LandDyke reaching out to me and how much I VALUE our Dyke and WBW SPACE and Beings something we have in common, another DykeAmazon Sister!!!
           - M.A 

" I think you and I share the same views/beliefs about wbw lesbian space.  I agree with all you have written on this thread/conversation.  I am 52 yrs old, I have been out since I was 15.    My thoughts about wbw lesbian space:  I can't express the depth of my gratitude to all the dykes who came before me, who worked, sweat, sometimes bled, struggled, faced hate in the face, and were able to create safe lesbian wbw spaces for themselves and we who came after you.  Like Michfest, other concert or meeting type events/spaces, and to me, most importantly, lesbian/womyn's land.  I have no problems with trans folks.  I don't understand all their issues, but I believe that they must be deeply felt and real to them, to go thru the work and pain of transitioning.  I also respect the (often/usually) 'young folks'  beliefs of gender fluidity and being 'queer', rather than more 'specific' names for themselves.  I think that somewhere in the future, in the distant, distant future, lesbians, trans folks, queers, bi folks, and maybe even gay men, may be able to share space and work together.  I think some of the 'young' womyn think that that time has arrived.  And they are embracing the whole spectrum of people now.  I think they believe this because they are removed and unknowing and understanding of what has been done for them by older womyn and dykes.  I strongly DO NOT believe that time of embracing everyone is here.  I think lesbians and wbw still very much need their own spaces.  To be with 'their own', to be with those who have understanding of the herstory of our shared struggle.  I have lived on wbw land for the last 23 yrs.  (DOE in SW WI - since '76 - feel free to message me for info)  I, and all the womyn who have passed thru this land in the last 40 yrs, have reveled in being able to be themselves and being safe in nature.  To share with those who have shared life experiences.  To learn from each other, and grow stronger together.  This is irreplaceable and so valuable in this world.  I don't have a problem with trans or other folks, but I believe they need to create their own spaces.  To fight for them, and to make them what they want and need.  And then to revel in those spaces, being with others like them, and sharing with each other.  I hate that many trans folks think that we need to share what we have created for ourselves with them.  Because in doing that, what we have is lost forever.  And I don't believe that is what most of my foremothers worked and fought for.  And I KNOW that is not what I have worked and fought for, in my 23 yrs here on wbw land."                -Jo

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