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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Lesbianism So Much More Than Sex-Guest Post by Jesse

In so far as patriarchy 'tolerates' lesbianism (through gay marriage and the like) it does so on condition that it defines it in terms of sexual attraction. Patriarchy does not want lesbians thinking it is any more than that .... yet lesbianism is so much more than than sexual attraction. It is needing and loving women's company, feeling and feeding off their energy, sharing your own energy with other women, having some degree of appreciation or respect for all women. It's about female spiritual union and creating and enjoying female culture. It's about feeling good in yourself and appreciating yourself as a result of the women who surround you. It's about desiring, and being able to, step outside of heteropatriarcy and seeing men for the emotionless violent creatures that they are, recognising that men destroy women by preventing them from discovering the greatness of female spiritual unity. That is before I even mention the wonder of physical contact between women, and the wondrous electricity of sexual union between women... being lesbian is pure joy... here's to women!! -Jess

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