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Drumming Amazon
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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Lesbianism So Much More Than Sex-Guest Post by Jesse

In so far as patriarchy 'tolerates' lesbianism (through gay marriage and the like) it does so on condition that it defines it in terms of sexual attraction. Patriarchy does not want lesbians thinking it is any more than that .... yet lesbianism is so much more than than sexual attraction. It is needing and loving women's company, feeling and feeding off their energy, sharing your own energy with other women, having some degree of appreciation or respect for all women. It's about female spiritual union and creating and enjoying female culture. It's about feeling good in yourself and appreciating yourself as a result of the women who surround you. It's about desiring, and being able to, step outside of heteropatriarcy and seeing men for the emotionless violent creatures that they are, recognising that men destroy women by preventing them from discovering the greatness of female spiritual unity. That is before I even mention the wonder of physical contact between women, and the wondrous electricity of sexual union between women... being lesbian is pure joy... here's to women!! -Jess

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Winter Solstice 12/20/2016

12/20/2016 Winter Solstice Poem

The Patriarchy is dying its last evil breath
Enough of wars upon the Earth, on women's bodies, children and the innocent
The bellowing of that horn is a tiresome note
Time to change the tune
What cannot now be done overtly
We do covertly
Quietly weaving our Web of Light 
Of allies and friends and lovers,
Dreamers, and artists, writers
All those who see beyond the daily roar 
The hypnotism of minds and souls
Lies told and retold till NOTHING  is believed that is not Witnessed
We Witness, we Speak, We Dance, We Roar, We Challenge We Resist 
And We make Change BEFORE it is
Too late for Mother Earth
Her action is the last action
Shaken off like so many fleas on a dog, She stamps Her foot and a Tsunami rolls in
We ARE the Tsunami for REAL CHANGE that is why they Fear us
We must not give in to fear
We persist and WE are persistent
We Weave Our Web reaching out one to another..we Contain
But for now, She sleeps....

Sunday, December 18, 2016


I want to repost this here because its so powerful, with so
many links to peruse and this woman FOUGHT FOR her Lesbian daughter to try
to wake up her from the trans cult, accept her body and REALIZE she could work towards her Female Freedom and be Lesbian just as she is!!! THAT is my no. 1 mission these days, getting to them BEFORE  they transition!!!

And here's one of my responses: https://4thwavenow.com/2016/12/17/a-mums-voyage-through-transtopia-helps-her-daughter-desist/comment-page-1/#comment-15198

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Copper SuperMoon 12/13/2016

Watched beautiful Copper Moon descend and dip below the horizon. 7 degrees this morning. (5:45am), before leaving for work.

Copper Moon

Glowing Copper Penny
Readies to dip beyond the horizon in
Black Western sky
Momentarily caught in barbed wire
Same color as sodium vapor lamp
But a softened glow
Slowly slipping down like a
Penny in a piggy bank
Just a sliver of orange now
Dawn beginning in the East

Copper Penny December SuperMoon 2016

Watched beautiful Copper Moon descend and dip below the horizon. 7 degrees this morning. (5:45am), before leaving for work.

Copper Moon 12/13/2026

Glowing Copper Penny
Readies to dip beyond the horizon in
Black Western sky
Momentarily caught in barbed wire
Same color as sodium vapor lamp
But a softened glow
Slowly slipping down like a
Penny in a piggy bank
Just a sliver of orange now
Dawn beginning in the East

NOT a "Dying Breed" Us Female Proud Butches

The personal is political and the political personal. I dont do academic feminism anymore, havent since I was  in academia  over 35 years ago. And grew up from there with the VERY relevant for MANY Butches, Tradeswomen Movement, a part of the Feminism Movement MANY Butches participated in. We were the pioneers into the Trades, and before us were the Rosies during WW2, till they were forced back into the domestic sector or stereotyped lower paying "women's" jobs. Butches, ever the Female pioneers, one of our Sacred roles!!!

 I relate  first hand witness accounts HAVING BEEN IN THE WAR ZONE. And NOBODY BUT NOBODY is telling ME I am a "dying breed" EVER AGAIN. 
They can JUST FUCK OFF. I HEARD IT WAYYYYYY too much in the Bay Area, This Butch takes it PERSONAL...very very personal. WE are NOT the ones who will be dying from testosterone poisoning, or wringing our hands from.premature breast removal surgeries and reactions to T as Detransitioners. WE WILL OUTLIVE THEM ALL!!!

Like Lesbian Avengers USED TO SAY, "We recruit!".  If its not personal or can't be related personally OR Collectively and have real useful meaning in our lives as Butches  its just a bunch of meaningless ivory tower claptrap words. Just like the bullshit happening and coming out of universities now. Voting on whether dorm bathrooms should be coed or single sex, ect ect ect....don't EVEN get me started!!!