Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Amazon Warrior/Amazon Witch

Proud to be an Amazon Warrior and Amazon Witch, which for me also gives me the opportunity at times to be an Amazon High Priestess, at my Witchly best..otherwise it's an intensely personal Path in connection with Goddess in Her many emanations, the Seasons and Cycles and connection with Mother Earth, the Moon, the Sun and the Stars.....and fully psychically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually sexually and physically empowered, charting my OWN destiny, in connection with Goddess....no patriarchal religion rules my destiny, as a Witch and Magic worker...when I get that opportunity. But sometimes it's much more humble than all that...just a connection with Mother Earth on a beautiful green and sunny spring day.....smelling the clouds heavy with rain on other days, before it rains....connecting with the intensity of lightening or a rainstorm, the beautiful limitless of the ocean, and the Full Moon streaming down in Her glory and singing to Her while standing upon Mother Earth and asking Her for what I want and need in my life...and for those I love, and for the Earth Herself....and working towards the full empowerment spiritually, sexually and on all other levels of womonkind and the Sacred FEmale...rebirthing the Goddess energy back...all these things denotes Witch and the power of Witchcraft to me. Whether personally or in group ritual....and most of all: moving and channeling energy.

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