Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Magic of Days on Lesbian positive Womyn's Land like Michfest: From my post on 'Lesbian Caucus' on Facebook

This has been the problem. So many young women into 'queer' space, don't understand the real POWER of days of being in womon only, dyke positive or dyke centered space...it is so empowering, it is beyond anything you've ever experienced, cuz even Dyke March has men and others crashing it all the time....when you are in strictly womon only space, your heart opens, you become sensitive to psychic powers(at least for me while on Land)that are so often repressed in the patriarchal city environments, because you can open up in a way you never have before because you dont' have to put all that energy into looking over your shoulder for your personal protection...it frees you up psychically, emotionally, spiritually and sexually in a way that cannot be explained unless in that presence of womon power for days on end...and you will not want to leave. It is indeed, Amazon Nation, and a slice of what Matriarchy could be like...

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