Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Sunday, December 12, 2021

War on Two Fronts

 This was written when Trump was still in Office, but the tactics are still true, of how both the Rightwing and TRA Movements still act. Both very patriarchal and male run:

War on Two Fronts:

I am fighting a War on Two fronts. One is against conservatism, Trump and the rightwing idelogy forcing itself on us, on women, on immigrants, minorities, Jews, gays, with its MALE and Male White Supremacist privilege bearing down on us, the dictatorship of the Trump Administration and his hunting of immigrants....but next will be Lesbians and Gays and anybody different or Resisting...

The Second War are the TIMS/ MTFS, born males who expect Lesbians and women to kowtow to them. The tragedy of young women transitioning in droves to run away from woMANhood and the oppression we all face for being Female, instead of in Solidarity...

More and more these two struggles are becoming One. TIMS/MTFS using entirely MALE tactics of threats of violence, including sexual violence and ostracism against us resistant Lesbians. One form of fascism, Trump and his supporters another.  

BOTH are males who do not like recalcitrant women who defy them...both will call names and threaten violence and control. Both have thug like elements.

Both are immensely Patriarchal.

                 - FeistyAmazon

Addendum:  Writing this piece and at some point expanding on it was a shift in consciousness about a week ago while I mulled it over in my brain. It was like looking through binoculars where you see two separate scenes, then focus them and get one scene and a much greater depth of field. 

The tactics used are exactly the same, by a very similar MENtality. The same fascistic unquestioning cult like MALE propaganda used to control women as a whole in both circumstances and anybody who is dissident to the dominant cult like narrative: Lesbians, radical feminists, gay men who want to socialize sexually ONLY with other bio gay men, and same for others who would not date trans nor want the opposite SEX in intimate quarters!!

Or kids and teens pressured to transition. Most who would end up as tomboys for females, Lesbian or gay.

Both groups mean us real harm. From the term Terf, to feminazi, to controlling abortion, birth control, female dress and expression, to freedom from sexual assault and harsssment, or equal pay for equal work, to supporting fundie religious thinking...

Friday, December 3, 2021

The B.S. Us Butches Go Through

 Bodil Wandt sorry but us Butches go through an extra layer of bullshit. Reread the article. THIS is my reality AS a Butch Dyke

And for MANY Butches both in the US, England,Europe  Asia, Africa, South America and Middle East. We are particularly targeted for hate crimes AND BY the Gender Industry. We REFUSE and reject femininity and do NOT accomodate the male gaze as she states in her article and targeted as the most visible of Lesbians for " corrective rape" which is brutal and often murderous, other forms of violence against us by men, denied many jobs, thus a decent livelihood or concentrated in certain industries which grudgingly accomodate us like Construction and Factory Work,because we are " unacceptable females wholesalle rejecting femininity  makeup, dresses, heels and the like, basically outlaw women in het society, CONSTANTLY TOLD " You just wanna be a man". No, WE ARE ANOTHER FORM OF WOMONHOOD DEFYING MALE RULES OF WHAT A WOMAN CAN BE, AND TAKING UP. OUR SPACE, LOVING WOMEN, AS MEN DO, WITHOUT ACCOMODATING THE MALE GAZE IN ANY CAPACITY

Thus other women fear and despise us because we act freely as men do; but we pay the price. 

EVERY Butch I know was a tomboy and  rejected femininity at young age and agreeing to be " lesser than" or conforming. We  Fought For our space our standing in a societies that ultimately rejects women like us. 

Thusly some decide its just easier to " pass" as men. Not all of us are into Femmes, some of us s are into other Butches, or both. I am one of those, the great Lesbian secret. My Sexuality IS  My OWN. And ONLY another Butch Dyke, WORLDWIDE, truly inderstands me. We been here for millenia,  but in one or two generations we are at risk of being wiped out. By both hate crimes, and especially by false promises made to the youth of hormones and useless surgeries for a false fake " manhood" they will NEVER achieve. 


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

On being a Dyke JewWitch

 Sister, as a NYC Dyke JewWitch( raised Jewish in NYC, them noved to Colorado at 12,, in 1972, then thevSF Bay Area at 23 in 1984., the Dyke Witches brought me OUT on Colrado. As a kid I knew more about the Greek religion, and studied in particular She who Called to me in 5th Grade.

I base my life on Amazon Mysteries which I was initially brought ontowhen  I got into the Martial Artsat the tender age of 14 in 1974, achieving my Black Belt the same year the DykeWitches brought me into the Craft, Goddess, and womynscircles and Mysteries.

I have been on that Path ever since. However I go through the same conniptions you do, I completely relate. My Jewish Reform family pretty much only went to Synagogue on High Holidays. The rest of the Holidays we celebrated at home or with my Grandparents. 

I am proud of my NYC Jewish heritage, it hasshspedmy personality and I modrled myself after my strong assertive dominant Jewish Grandmother who dearly loved me. So did my Grandfather. My relationship with my Mother wasmuch more problematic as she wasSouthern and convertedfor the sake of us kids,but never believed in the religion or took on the heritage. North and South, sometimeslike Civil War in my home. ...

In any case my answer is to.look to Catal Huyuk  a Matriarchal Culture that lasted 1000 years in peace, one of the Undefended Great Goddess cutures....

I will continue with my Amazon Mysteries, honoring the Goddess of 10,000 Names, sizes, colors, temperaments and aspects of Womonhood and She who.is my Matron,  and the Cycles and Seasons of the Moon, Sun and Mother Earth....as well as my Jewish heritage.

Thank you for informing me what the High Holidays are REALLY all about.

In the Charge of the Star Goddess what I  Consider one of the most important pieces of Goddess liturgy, it says " I demand aught of Sacrifice, ...for behold I have been withyou since the Beginning...". Thats good enough for me.

Though still, of course I want to be written in the Book of Life every year, including this year,  as hard as this past year has been, dodging the bullet of COVID. My own spouse was not so lucky, and now she has longterm COVID. 

       - Blessed Be Sister, AND Happy New Year.    - FeistyAmazon

Monday, August 16, 2021

NOT GNC, We ARE Butch Dykes! All Female, Out Loud n Proud!!!

 Butch, not " gnc" gender nonconforming according to WHO? The strait world. But we fit right into the Lesbian world which has accomodated womyn of all stripes from us hardcore Butches to high Femmes and every kind of Lesbian in between. But first Butches  have to learn to love themselves enough AS a womon as the older Butch  Lesbians taught me to do, especially those into Goddess worship and some level of basic Feminism and Lesbian and Amazon pride. We have our OWN unique role for the empowerment of ourselves, for womyn and Mother Earth as a whole. We claim our Yonis and our pleasure, and our bodies and sex and sexuality. 

Coming out in THAT milieu helped to teach Butch Lesbians especially they had a place and a long esteemed role in the Community. As the most visible of Lesbians, as protectors of other women, as sexual orientation initiators and teachers. 

As the strong backbone of builders and activists.

Seeing so many handsome Butch Lesbians build Michfest every year in the films is delightful, and the Butches ALSO mentored me into the Trades, and advocated for me when I had difficulties....

We need to build our Lesbian communities strong again. For ALL Lesbians so these young women come out AS Lesbians and feel they have a place as womyn loving womyn, NOT feel they need transition to survive or because of peer pressure.

Monday, August 2, 2021


I’ve been thinking about this....  There are many human ways to love women. But the name and the way that I claim is Lesbian. None of the other words are right for me, though we probably share Dyke. While as a young woman who did not know what Lesbianism was, I tried to be with men but it never worked. I have  been with women for more than 40 years. And I only am attracted to and love women born women romantically. And the word for that is Lesbia. Not bisexual. Not queer. Not poly or pan  sexual Or any other academic titles people go by these days. Lesbian.

And for me that has nothing to do with gender. It has to do with biological- XX - chromosome sex. 

While gender expression might be something to play with, For example the many decades of Butch/Femme energy and herstory in lesbian community— For me that’s all just a subset of the wbw loving wbw community, which is Lesbian.

It is something narrow and specific. For me and for other women, though I hear you not for everybody.  Lesbian is a female- XX-  homosexual. That’s me.

When this word is used for other configurations of humans loving humans then there is no word left for me. I disappear. There is no way to define who and what I am and how I love. Or how my sisters love who love the same way.  It’s not the same as other ways, though love of course is love is love.

And it is useful to be able to name your identity. It is how we find ourselves and each other. - E.B.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


  I'm not even sure where to start with this one but the isolation is overwhelming its bad enough living in this teeny tiny town at least by New York City and Bay Area standards.   Also in Denver all priced out of those areas and of course who knows how much work is available considering Covid plus the dangers of covert are increased in such dense city environments. 

 In any case this is a stream-of-consciousness dictated share.

 Well the TWIW crowd has had their way so we keep fighting that along with these crazy right wingers who still believe you know who won,  when he didn't. We have a traitorous one,  Adrian Smith.

To find lesbians is almost impossible around here. I see them but to have found them, talk to them, hang out with them, almost impossible so have been reaching out to my women's spirituality community and doing Zoom with them every few weeks. 

We talk on Zoom and I haven't done a meeting in ages I miss that too. I could do that also on Zoom if I wanted to. 

My whole life has been online for the last 7 years that it just is not appealing to me in the least. I've been isolating seriously.  Isolating except for my coworker, my partner and sometimes my partner's family but then I guess that's what we're supposed to do is like we're only supposed to socialize with our bubbles so everything else is online.

 I dream about a lesbian community; who knows if there are even gonna be festivals this summer and if I'll be able to go to them, and healthy enough to go to them. 

I can't let sleep on the ground anymore I have to be in a camp or something some kind of bed.

So having community is really hard almost impossible.

 Our lesbian communities have been eradicated anyway and we know why you know cause everybody is changing gender can't figure out who they are.

Don't ever ever ask me my pronouns ever.  Don't ever refer to me as cis or queer. And all T words are verboten. Other than that I'm glad to have a beautiful female vice president in Kamala Harris. 

 Back to community:  so I have done some rituals online did 1 with EWF and with Ava Parks and with the Bind Trump group and that's been very satisfying at least those folks are real true activist witches I love it. a

Activist witches which is that actually are using their witchcraft with a real purpose beyond themselves.

Because the rest of it is like O let's focus on abundance let's focus on health let's focus on my personal life and what I can get out of it you know I've done so much of that kind of ritual I needed it then I've I appreciate all the abundance rituals that She's granted me abundance and prosperity and healing. I appreciate that but I also appreciate the kind of work that goes beyond the individual because from what I understand is it's personal, community, worldwide;  so it works like a ever rippling pool outwards and  work on community and nation really gives purpose much like the English witches who stopped Hitler from invading England this was the same kind of thing is stopping you know who who shall not be named what are those dirty T words who is about to be impeached but now the republicans do not wanna imppeach him but hes gone down in infamy.

You've got collusion  inside the House and Senate and of course violent collusionists outside of it so it's a 2 way street. 

We've got the same inside and outside the lesbian community so it's very hard for us to have community as sellouts  certainly want males in our community. 

And especially to convince young women that you know what is female which only yoni is female repeat after me Only yoni is female. Let's say it one more time only yoni is female. NO OTHER SEX ORGAN.

 Everything else is a social construct. So we got invasion from within and without so I don't know where to have my powerpoints to connect with true community truly like minded sisters and I so need them and I need them in my life and I need  touch which I'm not get much of except for my kitties. I love my kitties and  my piano which I need to practice more often helps me takes off steam gives me an outlet of creativity.

But I need real community leather sisters,  Witch sisters,  radical dykes sisters you know the diversity that mich fest had to offer the female diversity let's put it that way that which fest had to offer.

And it saddens me it's gone but I'm hoping that some of these other littler festivals will be able to gather once again even if I just go where all Amazon's go welcome HOME where I could see them eye to eye as in visually. This Bach is about ready to make me cry I think I'm gonna have to put on something a little jazzier because this Bach is just too sad.

I am happy that in this recession I have a job it worries me because I am exposed to the public a lot but I'm religious about hand washing and Mask wearing after all I am an enforcer.

I read all about it all the time.

I keep to the 3 rules but it makes me anti social the 3 rules wear masks both parties to socially distance keep your space for me prefer be 6' or more OK sometimes that doesn't happen up at a window but at least there's outside air. I wash my hands with handcleaner and when I go the bathroom thoroughly under the sink wash water so that's the 3 rules so it's feeding into my anti social personality keep your space for me keep your distance I guess a good New Yorker if they keep space for me don't come up don't be hittin up on me yeah that's the good walking at night in the middle of the night keep your space for me keep my bubble my goddess is walking with me protecting me you know that visualizations that I've taught so many times to so many women is you know whether your bubbles 3" or 10' when you walk in in the middle of night and walking outside like getting off the Bart train walking whole nobody is to come near you and you will defend your space welp that's exactly what this is like living in a small town but like you keep your space to me could you aint getting me sick OK and you aint gonna be my typhoid Mary or for this factory  an enforcer that's my job is to enforce these things me and doctor fauci, he  could do the research and I read the research. We all have to have a hero in these dark times he and Kamala Harris are mine. 

OK so back to community how do we create lesbian community and tell me I'm done reaching out to these ditches around here I hate to say that I mean I don't like call women cuss words but it's just I given up around here then on him nothing common with me anyway I'm way too different and pagan a Butch I'm out loud and proud I'm of Jewish heritage and never Christian I like classical music Need the cultural creative's I mean if I could afford it I just go right on back to Boulder. Back to the beautiful mountains. Boulder.  I don't even know a folder would be home anymore though I don't even know if Boulder would be home anymore because the rich bitch's live there now and even my brother can't take it and hes lived there forever he didn't know how good he had it live in there now hes stuck in mexico I mean New Mexico somewhere up in the high desert in a town of 10000 so he has a worse me yes it worse me I mean at least this town is 30000 you know little class fairly well educated I guess working to middle class It's a nice little town but not very interesting people but then I don't get out much anymore can't get out much anymore and the gay folks are like well they're all queer so in all the lesbians are completely tied in with everybody else they don't realize being yet lesbian a special that there's a reason us lesbians get together with other lesbians and not just to have sex but because we share things in common like freedom for men freedom from men and the bonding that only woman to woman can do whether sexual emotional or spiritual are all free or all 3 for me it's all 3