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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Centering Women....

Centering women is ALWAYS problematic in a patriarchy, which is WHY we must continually do so, even if leaders, and others try to sell us out. Refusing male control drives them nuts.

Feminism, Women's Liberation and Women's Marches are about Females, NOT born males who can NEVER BE US!! Women are about to lose the right to choose, us Lesbians cannot put sexual boundaries around our communities or even our own persons        because of these males who INSIST they are one of us. NOT.
We still are not represented at least 50% in all fields and legislatures , had our woman President stolen away from us, we are no freer, in fact theres been alot of slipping backwards, young girls and women hate their female bodies and the lack of full freedom women have that they want to be " men" , and the drs, psyches, surgeons and pharmaceuticals are only too willing to accomodate that self hatred.

We women, feminists, Lesbians, have PLENTY of OUR OWN WORK to do, plenty of attacks upon our persons, words, ideas, work that we need NOT accomodate males and their negative views.  - M.A.

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