Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Great Deer Mother and Her Female Shamans

The Deer is Sacred to me, and every year for Solstice my spousest gets me a Deer, who is also associated with my Matron Goddess. I will be adding this info to my Winter Solstice Ritual repertoire. Leaving out the Magic Mushrooms though...really Mother Solstice

Sunday, December 23, 2018


One publication represents us now, other than Lesbian Connection!!! AfterEllen.com

We have lost most of our Lesbian infrastructure and been sold out TO MEN. But read this strongly worderd article for some hope!!https://www.afterellen.com/general-news/568339-co-opting-the-l-homophobia-the-thought-police?fbclid=IwAR0Cka0Qb0hU-xOhdf0yBhblj070cWp--we4Ntm_oV40PqgcxwPQ8I28x-0#LscX84Gb1RsfuI5D.99

Saturday, December 22, 2018

To Starhawk's Call for a Truce

I saw a post by Starhawk on her blog where she called a truce to the Gender Wars. I responded but saw she had put me on a Blacklist even though I have always admired her in the past and bought many a book of hers. NEVER have I insulted her, but here is my response to her anyway:


My response to her call:
Until us Lesbians/Dykes and our need for Female only spaces, rituals, Mysteries are fully respected there can be no dialogue.

We are Female Homosexuals, born Female from birth, with Yonis from birth. If I/we say " Do NOT call us Cis, queer or terf" that must be respected.

I have been a Tomboy from age 7 onwards. When the Dyke Witches brought me out at my first ritual at Beltane in 1981, I became a lifelong Butch. My people and Sister Butches are under siege. But then I was TAUGHT TO BE PROUD TO BE FEMALE, to honor our menses and Blood Mysteries, our Female bodies/ minds/ spirits. Amazing Magic happens in Female Dyke Centered spaces like Michfest and other womyns spaces. These rites are for those born female, living proudly as Females or learning to which so many Butch/ tomboy types have a hard time doing because of the lack of role models. So many Butches so many womyn have been empowered and healed by the most Gynocentric modern day Amazon Nation on the planet at Michfest, and similar spaces, so many of which are gone and/ or under attack.

To my dying day I will protect and defend our wbw Female spaces because this is where I open up and get to experience our fully empowering Female Mysteries and bond with other Dykes and womyn. There is nowhere else I get to do so.

Others are free to create their OWN Mysteries. There are times and places we all can come together in community wide events like Pride, Pagan Pride, marches and other community events, but other times we NEED OUR OWN spaces for our emotional, sexual, and/or spiritual connections.

Nor do we deserve to be called names, threatened with rape or violence, deplatformed or have our events crashed and destroyed, or be censored for claiming our spaces, our bodies, OUR MYSTERIES, our dialogue or our bonding amongst our own!!

Us Lesbians are FEMALE HOMOSEXUALS. Males do not figure into our sex lives at all, or the penis. We worship the Sacred Yoni. Period. Lesbians do not have penises nor want them. Unless this is respected, there can be no dialogue, no truce.

- In Sisterhood,

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Banned for Truthsaying: Censorship Against Dykes and Women

Serving my 3rd 30 day ban on Facebook for speaking my Truth and telling my story...

See the same on Twitter.  Feminists, Lesbians and women as a whole are being silenced for standing up...wholesale censorship od OUR VOICES on both and other forums,Twitter,Facebook and more...

Amanda Sue Rochford

“The penis is a male sexual organ.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Men are male.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
He’s a man.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Male mammals produce sperm.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
”Female mammals breastfeed and bear live young.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
”Women give birth.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women don’t want to see strangers’ penises.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women deserve their own, separate sporting competitions.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Black women aren’t comparable to men.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women don’t want to undress in front of men.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“You can’t buy womanhood at a doctor’s office.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If there are no objective criteria for defining someone as a woman, then you’ve erased womanhood as a meaningful social category that can be recognized in law.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Trans-identified females face safety risks in male spaces, and health risks from hormones and surgery.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Most children who are uncomfortable with gender stereotypes come to accept themselves as adults, and don’t need to change their bodies.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s bad to sterilize children for cosmetic reasons.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s wrong to encourage autistic children to believe that surgery and hormones will correct their social discomfort.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“You can’t be born in the wrong body. Your body is fine just the way it is.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Makeup, clothes, and public sexual displays aren’t the same as womanhood.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“An all-male panel is still an all-male panel if half of the men show up in dresses and lipstick.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Female genital mutilation isn’t performed on an identity.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s not any kind of misogyny when men don’t catcall you because you’re actually another man.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Identities don’t give birth. Female bodies do.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Identities don’t impregnate women, penises do.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Liking pink sparkles doesn’t make you a girl or a woman. Liking dinosaurs and trains doesn’t make you a boy or man.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Lots of girls hate wearing dresses. Lots of women have short hair and wear jeans. Clothes have nothing to do with sex.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Wearing fishnets, a miniskirt, and a come-hither look, doesn’t make a man a woman. Not even on casual Fridays.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Intersex conditions are not an identity.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Lesbians shouldn’t be pressured to have sex with male partners.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Personality variation isn’t a coherent legal category.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s wrong to apply modern concepts to the past by retroactively declaring dead people ‘transgender,’ when you have no evidence that they thought they were literally the other sex.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Telling kids who don’t fit into expected gender stereotypes that they’re really the opposite sex is letting generations of bullies win.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Reproductive biology is not a social construct or fiction.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Every person alive was born from a woman’s body.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Sex isn’t assigned at birth, it’s observed correctly over 99% of the time.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Believing that developmentally typical adults can change sex is an article of faith, and I don’t believe in it.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s not ‘polite’ to ask a woman who’s been threatened or assaulted by a man to refer to him as ‘she,’ not for court proceedings nor for any other reason.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women who seem ‘masculine’ are the ones who are most targeted for constant social pressure by people asking them for their pronouns, or professing ‘confusion’ at their use of she/her pronouns.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“No one has studied the long-term physiological effects of puberty blockers followed by decades worth of hormone treatments starting in adolescence.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Puberty blockers followed by hormones don’t allow the gonads to mature, rendering a young person sterile for life before they’re old enough to vote. How is this ethical?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“A child whose genitals are stunted by chemical castration may never experience adult sexual function. How can they know what they’re giving up when they start these treatments at 9, 11, 13 years old?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Removing the testes through an orchiectomy is commonly referred to as castration.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If you father children with a woman in the usual way, you aren’t a woman. Two people who can conceive a child in the usual way are in a heterosexual relationship.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Trans men do most of the work behind the scenes in the gender identity movement. They get famous for giving birth, getting assaulted by men, doing fashion spreads, or dying. That’s some interesting ‘male privilege.’” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s irritating when trans-identified males get to be ‘first woman’ to do things that no female human being is allowed to do.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Trans-identified males who are murdered are killed by other men, and many of those were involved in the sex trade. But they never talk about fighting male violence or the sex trade, they just complain about women. Hmmm.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Liberal men and technology companies finally found women whose rights they pay more than lip service to. Plot twist: those ‘women’ have penises.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Maybe teenage girls who hate their bodies don’t need double mastectomies.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Having a doctor cut your minor son’s nuts off because he’s sensitive or likes Hello Kitty seems ... a little Medieval, perhaps?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Maybe we should examine the role of early p0rn use by boys and social contagion as a reason why so many young people are afraid of puberty, and are expressing it through extreme body modification?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Sexual orientations aren’t bigotry.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Allowing grown men to access spaces where women and girls are in a state of vulnerability or undress is a bad idea that has already caused problems.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s a violation of women’s human rights under international law to forcibly incarcerate them alongside male prisoners.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s a violation of women’s human rights to deny them the right to have intimate examinations or care performed by another female person if she so wishes, for any reason, or none.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s a violation of women’s human rights to force them in the course of their work duties to lay hands on a man’s genitals or perform intimate care for a man.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s a violation of women’s privacy if they are required to perform a urine test in full view of a male social worker or other authority figure, just because he says that he is a woman.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Emergency shelters should be able to preserve single-sex accommodations for women, especially in dormitory housing, or for victims of violence. It’s wrong to force them to serve male clients through funding threats.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If we can’t say that men are male, and have penises, we can’t have any kind of debate about whether it affects women’s rights to have men recognized as women. It isn’t even possible to form a clear statement of objection.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s horrible to argue that women don’t want to be exposed to stranger’s penises at the gym shower because we need ‘education.’” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If a man flashes a woman on the bus, it’s abusive and criminal. If he flashes a woman in the shower at the Y, it’s progress.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“If a man puts a peephole or a camera in a women’s bathroom to watch, he’s a pervert. If he walks in when she’s washing blood off her pants at the sink, he can claim ‘woman’ and press charges if she tries to get him kicked out.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s wrong for men to gang up on women to have us removed from our jobs, social networks, or political parties, because we said no to them.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Women and girls need privacy to handle menstruation. That includes having private sinks and spaces to change clothes if we need to.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“There are hundreds of thousands of search engine results for criminally acquired bathroom upskirt images and films. How can you say that no man has a motive to misuse self-ID laws?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Parents or guardians have a right to know if their children will be expected to stay in mixed-sex lodgings on overnight trips, or can have a same-sex chaperone, if they’re away from home on a school or club trip.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“You can’t menstruate if you don’t have a uterus and functional ovaries.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Boys and men shouldn’t have to use the urinals in front of girls and women. Most girls and women don’t want to see that, and it’s irresponsible to groom girls to demand access to the boys’ room.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s disturbing that gender activists try to contact children without their parents’ knowledge, encourage children to leave home to find their ‘glitter family,’ or call it ‘abuse’ when parents are worried about their children’s health.” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“Why did the LGBT press ignore the murder of a lesbian couple and their son, two of whom were black, by a white, trans-identified male who got famous for protesting a lesbian music festival?” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.
“It’s offensive and indecent to refer to male sex offenders as ‘vulnerable women.’” — Twitter’s idea of hate speech in 2018.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

We Dont Need Them: Lesbians Stay Autonomous, get Out of the GBT

We dont need them. We will walk away and create a beautiful diverse Female focussed and revolutionary Lesbian culture again. Our lesson is to stay autonomous from males. For some that means Separatism, for others sexually Separatist WHICH LESBIANS ARE AND HAVE A RIGHT TO BE. We did it before, and the gay men came begging for us to support their causes. It cost us in the long run OUR autonomy and Lesbian culture.

No penis between us friends. - Alix Dobkin

Lesbianism is an entire worldview, we see through Lesbian eyes as women and our lust and love for women, keeping us free from sexual control by males, whether straight, gay, bi or trans identified males.
       - M.A.