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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Monday, November 6, 2017

In Response to a Radical Feminist Survivor whom ABSOLUTELY Craves WBW SPACE FOR HER SAFETY

Goddess, I agree with her on so many levels. Never more Separatist after working with men all day in the Trades, where I would be lucky to see even a handful of women if that on the job, with men who didnt want me around, always treating me as "less than". Sacred womyns spaces were places to GET AWAY from them and their patriarchal attitudes, and be able to BE my FULL DYKE SELF without fear, censorship, threats, or male violence on ANY LEVEL(including psychological).

My Dianic rituals were my refuges, and womyns festivals. Other aspects of Dyke and womyns community, parties, groups, events, SF Dyke March were slowly being encroached on by trans. Males who in NO WAY even "pass" as women, the vast majority of them, and whose energy is STILL MALE, despite hormones and feminine dress. The most male aspect being THEIR ATTITUDES and assumption of privilege. In other words, like every other male,they cannot take NO for an answer or boundary, by Females.

She may pick up on their oh so obvious predatory male energy as a survivor, like any other hunted species we are TRAINED to detect males and assume a certain level of wariness around them ESPECIALLY as survivors.  But also as a Witch, Female energy energizes me, male ennergy drains me. Men openly leech off Female energy, THEY HAVE PREYED ON US LONG ENOUGH!!! And so called trans "women", are wolves in sheep's clothing. Not to denigrate real wolves.
Male en femme. They are,still and WILL ALWAYS BE MALE.

WOMYN MUST trust OUR gut instincts and our womyn only environments USED TO BE our refuges. But sadly some women and lesbians HAVE sold us out...

Trust your instincts Sisters, ALWAYS!!

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