Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Butch Dyke is WHO WE ARE TO OUR CORE, Not a Role!!

No role. Femininity is ENFORCED, us Butches REJECT femininity in most of its forms and  most of us from a young age..but we are STILL FEMALE, still womyn!! And we been punished all our lives in so.many ways for REJECTING enforced femininity.  We are OBVIOUS Lesbians, feral females who dont kowtow to men. Modern day Amazons...WE RESISTED.

You could say all those feminine women who claimed tomboyhood at a young age capitulated by teenage, cracked from the pressure or the ButchAmazon Calling was NOT within them. But more likely they gave into the social pressure whether from parents, peers, teachers or others...WE NEVER DID!!

And sadly the same could be said for all the young teen and 20 somethings who decide to transition. BECAUSE they WERENT feminine, the one image that is visible and echoed in media and in malestream culture EVERYWHERE, and rewarded the closer one gets to the ideal, the opposite is punished, thusly cuz they DIDNT FIT IN with femininity, and because many also started having attractions to women, they thought and it was reinforced by peers, family and malestream society they must BE male.

So instead of EVEN pursuing going from tomboyhood to coming out Butch, a FEMALE RESISTER OF FEMININE BEHAVIORS AND EXPECTATIONS, a moden day Amazon, they decided or had decided for them, THEY MUST BE MALE!!

Because being a Butch is a HUGE taboo. We resist men, being objectified by them, treated less than by them, settling for less or assuming a submissive posture to them. Thusly we are made invisible, deemed to be ugly(according ONLY to male standards), a Lesbian stereotype, because we FULLY EMBODY our Lesbian Beings, we ARE nothing less, and so much more...we ARE modern day Amazons and Warriors. And we keep Lesbian culture and its womon centeredness alive, those of us Butches that put Femaleness first foremost, forever, AS WOMYN, and our attraction FOR womyn!! -MasterAmazon

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