Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

My Response to Lesbian Erasure article

Here's my response and check out the article in WHY womyn only space is SO important!!!

Where do I even start? Get this:  Lesbianism is NO MAN'S LAND. Whether you are a past, present or future male. Lesbians do NOT have flesh penises. We may wear dildos, we may not. We may be Butch on Butch, Butch/Femme,  Femme/Femme, or anything inbetween. We may be into Leathersex, we may not be. But one thing we are not is into men or for  men's access. 

Some of us Lesbians are Amazons and we will guard our territory against prying male eyes..but yet you attempt to take EVERY space away from us...and the loss of Michfest...the Crowning Jewel of Lesbian Nation where we feel safest to be OURSELVES...is a huge huge loss to US. Its NOT about the male ego..it IS about US.  And Lesbianism is so much more...we are a Tribe, we are a Nation we are our own Culture and we see through lesbian eyes it's an entire world view where we put women first and our love and lust and connection with women first and foremost and with that we need our women only spaces to connect and often women born women spaces but you have taken all that away from us. 

SO a feminism that honors lesbians honors our bodies honors our choices honors our spaces. And it is a feminism that does not  necessarily cater to straight women. Straight women always expect us to cater to them and put their needs first and their feminisms is about themselves there are areas we overlap and there are  areas we do not so let us talk about our truths and our struggles without imposing your needs as heterosexual women and that anything we experience or feel is less important and should take a back burner.

 I don't have to worry about birth control I don't have to worry about living with a man but I do have to worry about making a living often under men so work issues are very important to most lesbians as mentioned in this article; and  especially for us butches,  we are often discriminated against. And I could say so so much more I will leave you with this article on Women only space is so important to lesbians we thrive and live for it that is our tribe.  The tribe of women,  the tribe of Amazons, the tribe of dykes. Without it we would cease to exist.  -FeistyAmazon


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