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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Guest Post from K.E.M.

Tolerant liberal friends:

I suppose language is funny. After all, if you can insist that the word "woman" means something other than "adult female human," I suppose you can be a betrayer of women, children, and the poor and still call yourself a "liberal."

Why not just say it?  You care more about the delusions and perversions of entitled white men who irrationally claim to be women than you do about the safety of actual women.

You want these men to share bathroom spaces with us. Their feelings are more important than women's comfort and safety.

You want these men to colonize domestic violence, homeless shelters, and jails to be housed among women. Their feelings are more important to you than women's comfort and safety.

You want schoolchildren, K through 12, to use "unigender" -- the word means nothing; the term is mixed-sex-- bathrooms because some kids claim to be the other sex. Their feelings are more important to you than girls' comfort and safety.

And you criticize and charge lesbians with bigotry because they don't choose to sleep with men who claim to be women. Their feelings are more important to you than lesbians' comfort and safety.

And yet you pride yourself on being a liberal because you're pro-gay and lesbian, because you're a "feminist," because you care about kids, the homeless, domestic violence victims, and the imprisoned ... right?

Hell, no.

Spare me your self-righteous lectures about tolerance, because the braying, whining insistence of men who say they're women clearly is what grabs your attention these days, and you have abandoned any pretense of concern for the others.

Your hypocrisy is staggering, and your blindness and cowardice condemn you.