This was written when Trump was still in Office, but the tactics are still true, of how both the Rightwing and TRA Movements still act. Both very patriarchal and male run:
War on Two Fronts:
I am fighting a War on Two fronts. One is against conservatism, Trump and the rightwing idelogy forcing itself on us, on women, on immigrants, minorities, Jews, gays, with its MALE and Male White Supremacist privilege bearing down on us, the dictatorship of the Trump Administration and his hunting of immigrants....but next will be Lesbians and Gays and anybody different or Resisting...
The Second War are the TIMS/ MTFS, born males who expect Lesbians and women to kowtow to them. The tragedy of young women transitioning in droves to run away from woMANhood and the oppression we all face for being Female, instead of in Solidarity...
More and more these two struggles are becoming One. TIMS/MTFS using entirely MALE tactics of threats of violence, including sexual violence and ostracism against us resistant Lesbians. One form of fascism, Trump and his supporters another.
BOTH are males who do not like recalcitrant women who defy them...both will call names and threaten violence and control. Both have thug like elements.
Both are immensely Patriarchal.
- FeistyAmazon
Addendum: Writing this piece and at some point expanding on it was a shift in consciousness about a week ago while I mulled it over in my brain. It was like looking through binoculars where you see two separate scenes, then focus them and get one scene and a much greater depth of field.
The tactics used are exactly the same, by a very similar MENtality. The same fascistic unquestioning cult like MALE propaganda used to control women as a whole in both circumstances and anybody who is dissident to the dominant cult like narrative: Lesbians, radical feminists, gay men who want to socialize sexually ONLY with other bio gay men, and same for others who would not date trans nor want the opposite SEX in intimate quarters!!
Or kids and teens pressured to transition. Most who would end up as tomboys for females, Lesbian or gay.
Both groups mean us real harm. From the term Terf, to feminazi, to controlling abortion, birth control, female dress and expression, to freedom from sexual assault and harsssment, or equal pay for equal work, to supporting fundie religious thinking...
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