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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

On being a Dyke JewWitch

 Sister, as a NYC Dyke JewWitch( raised Jewish in NYC, them noved to Colorado at 12,, in 1972, then thevSF Bay Area at 23 in 1984., the Dyke Witches brought me OUT on Colrado. As a kid I knew more about the Greek religion, and studied in particular She who Called to me in 5th Grade.

I base my life on Amazon Mysteries which I was initially brought ontowhen  I got into the Martial Artsat the tender age of 14 in 1974, achieving my Black Belt the same year the DykeWitches brought me into the Craft, Goddess, and womynscircles and Mysteries.

I have been on that Path ever since. However I go through the same conniptions you do, I completely relate. My Jewish Reform family pretty much only went to Synagogue on High Holidays. The rest of the Holidays we celebrated at home or with my Grandparents. 

I am proud of my NYC Jewish heritage, it hasshspedmy personality and I modrled myself after my strong assertive dominant Jewish Grandmother who dearly loved me. So did my Grandfather. My relationship with my Mother wasmuch more problematic as she wasSouthern and convertedfor the sake of us kids,but never believed in the religion or took on the heritage. North and South, sometimeslike Civil War in my home. ...

In any case my answer is to.look to Catal Huyuk  a Matriarchal Culture that lasted 1000 years in peace, one of the Undefended Great Goddess cutures....

I will continue with my Amazon Mysteries, honoring the Goddess of 10,000 Names, sizes, colors, temperaments and aspects of Womonhood and She who.is my Matron,  and the Cycles and Seasons of the Moon, Sun and Mother Earth....as well as my Jewish heritage.

Thank you for informing me what the High Holidays are REALLY all about.

In the Charge of the Star Goddess what I  Consider one of the most important pieces of Goddess liturgy, it says " I demand aught of Sacrifice, ...for behold I have been withyou since the Beginning...". Thats good enough for me.

Though still, of course I want to be written in the Book of Life every year, including this year,  as hard as this past year has been, dodging the bullet of COVID. My own spouse was not so lucky, and now she has longterm COVID. 

       - Blessed Be Sister, AND Happy New Year.    - FeistyAmazon

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