And it's a very, very funny sick little secret, that many, many FTM's these days are really Femme, or feminine in the real sense of the word, and since they can't keep as Butch Dykes or are basically fag hags and male lovers at heart, transition to then seem more 'masculine, male, "butch"' than real, honest to goodness true blue Butch Dykes!
STOP ripping off and coopting our cultures, and being on the top Butch 100, because I'm sorry, on that scale, NO FTM belongs on a Butch have left that scale once you decided to take those hormones and have those surgeries. And especially if now you're fucking gay men. There are many, many FTM's I've seen that have a one down power over relationship with "gay"/bi men, who are the ones running the show, just as if you're a hetero female fucking a straight/bi dude! Bonus holes and all.
See, the trans insanity, IS insanity and makes no logical sense anymore.
Used to be those who could not fit into the Butch Dyke community, were just too male acting, identifying and appearing, quietly transitioned and took their lives up as 'men', and haunted the worlds of bio-men, trying to 'fit in' with them. They didn't pull on Lesbian purse strings, to stay behind and haunt our communities with their maleness, wanting the best of both worlds, your cake and eating it too: when it's convenient, crashing our Dyke/women only spaces, and EXPECTING us to cater to your 'male' asses, and then going and 'passing' in the world of men when it's convenient, selling our women and dyke spaces up the river for queer everything for YOUR selfish convenience.
No, the early FTM's were respectful. They saw themselves as dudes, left the Dyke community, and lived their lives as dudes out in the world. But see, you simply haven't the guts to do that for us, instead you coopt our Butch Dyke identities, our women only and Dyke spaces, and attempt to convince any hardcore Butch that she too is more male than female(that Butches aren't really female) by the use of male names, pronouns, hormones and surgeries ultimately, and then invite yourselves to get fucked both by dudes and dykes, exposing us to gay/bi male diseases ect. ect. ect. You are NO ALLIES of True Blue Butch Dykes! You are coopters, just like this Buck is...
Go live your life, but don't rip us off!
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