Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Virtual Pride 2020, NOTHING to Do WithbLesbians of Any Color!!!

 June 2020:

I am sooo fucking DONE watching all the Pride Homages to Black Lives Matter, EVEN FROM the queer woman founder  Alicia( she calls herself queer) of Black Lives Matter and the  Black Lesbian President  Carolyn of San Francisco Pride. I just listened to their extensive conversation streaming in the live San Francisco Pride channel. I watched Denver Pride's channel yesterday, and came across a spontaneous New York Pride celebration by Black queers and trans  EVERYWHERE they honored Black trans women aka bio males, as " the most oppressed" and founders of the Stonewall Revolution, Marsha P. and Sylvia Rivera. Black Butch Lesbian Storme DeLarvaie was barely mentioned or as an afterthought as an instigator and founder of the Stonewall Rebellion which Pride is founded on. In fact Black LESBIANS were INVISIBLE as seen as an oppressed group, even though they are the backbone of much of the activism. They were not permitted to speak as Black Lesbians or by and for Black Lesbians as a group. And Black Lesbians have made SUBSTANTIAL contributions to the Lesbian/ Gay movements!

No it was all about " Black Trans Lives Matter Because They Are The Most Oppressed". And did those male individuals just LOVE the attention as Black Lesbians and women stood in the background.

Look, sex workers arent my heros, being in sex work as all too many Black trans " women" are, puts one in extreme danger, like it puts anybody else, especially ANY woman in great danger of rape, or murder. This is not unique to trans" women". Bio women and bio women of color are raped or murdered every day just living in patriarchy by patriarchal men. Being in prostitution makes one far more vulnerable, no matter WHAT kind of body you have, or " gendered expression."

The founder of Black Lives Matter in this conversation with the current Black Lesbian President of San Francisco Pride, identified herself as " cis", what we would call femme or hetronormative in appearance, as compared to the wild  feminized expressions of  black trans "women". However I do NOT consider the Butch/ Stud President of San Francisco Pride either " Cis" or hetronormative. She was fully Butch with a jacket on and embroidered " Stud" on it. She may not want to transition( thank Goddess, a few Butches/ Studs left in San Francisco proud to be Lesbian and Female), BUT IN NO WAY IS SHE SO CALLED " cis" either. All female proud Butches are in this dilemma, neither cis or trans, BUT FEMALE.

Bottomline I'm trying to say that its Lesbians of Color who are truly oppressed worldwide, have a look at my profile and my Pride essay about the Egyptian Lesbian and the horrors that happened to her once she came out. Read Listening2Lesbians whom are documenting the WORLDWIDE oppression of Lesbians. Lesbians are raped and murdered or beat up, ostracized, married off to men or kicked out of their families for coming out and loving women. They are tortured and executed as well by State powers in oppressive countries. And they are NOT adding to their risk greatly by prostituting themselves. Just coming out and being who they are is ENOUGH.They can also be impregnated against their will, something no trans"woman" EVER has to worry about.

Oppression is oppression and affects various communities differently, but it is so MALE of them to hog the narrative as " Black trans women are the MOST OPPRESSED". While leaving Black Lesbians, Black Lesbian Butches/Studs( term they prefer), and even Black Ftms completely invisible. Or the contributions of Black  Butch Lesbian Storme DeLarvaie as an afterthought if even acknowledged at all as one of the first instigators defying cop abuse and control at the beginning of the Stonewall Rebellion. 

Its Lesbian and womanhating whether it comes from white male or black male patriarchy, even if those black males consider themselves  queens or trans.... - Amazon

Virtual Pride 2020, not For Lesbians or Butches of Any Color!

 I am sooo fucking DONE watching all the Pride Homages to Black Lives Matter, EVEN FROM the queer woman founder  Alicia( she calls herself queer) of Black Lives Matter and the  Black Lesbian President  Carolyn of San Francisco Pride. I just listened to their extensive conversation streaming in the live San Francisco Pride channel. I watched Denver Pride's channel yesterday, and came across a spontaneous New York Pride celebration by Black queers and trans  EVERYWHERE they honored Black trans women aka bio males, as " the most oppressed" and founders of the Stonewall Revolution, Marsha P. and Sylvia Rivera. Black Butch Lesbian Storme DeLarvaie was barely mentioned or as an afterthought as an instigator and founder of the Stonewall Rebellion which Pride is founded on. In fact Black LESBIANS were INVISIBLE as seen as an oppressed group, even though they are the backbone of much of the activism. They were not permitted to speak as Black Lesbians or by and for Black Lesbians as a group. And Black Lesbians have made SUBSTANTIAL contributions to the Lesbian/ Gay movements!

No it was all about " Black Trans Lives Matter Because They Are The Most Oppressed". And did those male individuals just LOVE the attention as Black Lesbians and women stood in the background.

Look, sex workers arent my heros, being in sex work as all too many Black trans " women" are, puts one in extreme danger, like it puts anybody else, especially ANY woman in great danger of rape, or murder. This is not unique to trans" women". Bio women and bio women of color are raped or murdered every day just living in patriarchy by patriarchal men. Being in prostitution makes one far more vulnerable, no matter WHAT kind of body you have, or " gendered expression."

The founder of Black Lives Matter in this conversation with the current Black Lesbian President of San Francisco Pride, identified herself as " cis", what we would call femme or hetronormative in appearance, as compared to the wild  feminized expressions of  black trans "women". However I do NOT consider the Butch/ Stud President of San Francisco Pride either " Cis" or hetronormative. She was fully Butch with a jacket on and embroidered " Stud" on it. She may not want to transition( thank Goddess, a few Butches/ Studs left in San Francisco proud to be Lesbian and Female), BUT IN NO WAY IS SHE SO CALLED " cis" either. All female proud Butches are in this dilemma, neither cis or trans, BUT FEMALE.

Bottomline I'm trying to say that its Lesbians of Color who are truly oppressed worldwide, have a look at my profile and my Pride essay about the Egyptian Lesbian and the horrors that happened to her once she came out. Read Listening2Lesbians whom are documenting the WORLDWIDE oppression of Lesbians. Lesbians are raped and murdered or beat up, ostracized, married off to men or kicked out of their families for coming out and loving women. They are tortured and executed as well by State powers in oppressive countries. And they are NOT adding to their risk greatly by prostituting themselves. Just coming out and being who they are is ENOUGH.They can also be impregnated against their will, something no trans"woman" EVER has to worry about.

Oppression is oppression and affects various communities differently, but it is so MALE of them to hog the narrative as " Black trans women are the MOST OPPRESSED". While leaving Black Lesbians, Black Lesbian Butches/Studs( term they prefer), and even Black Ftms completely invisible. Or the contributions of Black  Butch Lesbian Storme DeLarvaie as an afterthought if even acknowledged at all as one of the first instigators defying cop abuse and control at the beginning of the Stonewall Rebellion. 

Its Lesbian and womanhating whether it comes from white male or black male patriarchy, even if those black males consider themselves  queens or trans....

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Butch ripoff

Though I dont' agree with the femininity thing, because that too is a social construct, and something I've resisted all my life, I'm fully a Butch Dyke and proud..and sorry, but Butch(as it relates to those born bio-female), is a term related to Butch Dykes, the original "genderqueers" so to speak, that is, who go outside of the straitjacketed box men put women into, whether they are straight, bi or Lesbian. Butch is NOT a term for someone who is FTM. The term there is male/masculine/dude what have you. To use our term for those of us born Female living as a different aspect of FEMALENESS, is to coopt our rich Lesbian culture, whether you're Butch on Butch, Butch/Femme, both or all of the above and everything inbetween. No Butch Dyke can compete with FTM's on the scale of 'male appearing'. 

And it's a very, very funny sick little secret, that many, many FTM's these days are really Femme, or feminine in the real sense of the word, and since they can't keep as Butch Dykes or are basically fag hags and male lovers at heart, transition to then seem more 'masculine, male, "butch"' than real, honest to goodness true blue Butch Dykes! 

 STOP ripping off and coopting our cultures, and being on the top Butch 100, because I'm sorry, on that scale, NO FTM belongs on a Butch scale...you have left that scale once you decided to take those hormones and have those surgeries. And especially if now you're fucking gay men. There are many, many FTM's I've seen that have a one down power over relationship with "gay"/bi men, who are the ones running the show, just as if you're a hetero female fucking a straight/bi dude! Bonus holes and all. See, the trans insanity, IS insanity and makes no logical sense anymore. 

Used to be those who could not fit into the Butch Dyke community, were just too male acting, identifying and appearing, quietly transitioned and took their lives up as 'men', and haunted the worlds of bio-men, trying to 'fit in' with them. They didn't pull on Lesbian purse strings, to stay behind and haunt our communities with their maleness, wanting the best of both worlds, your cake and eating it too: when it's convenient, crashing our Dyke/women only spaces, and EXPECTING us to cater to your 'male' asses, and then going and 'passing' in the world of men when it's convenient, selling our women and dyke spaces up the river for queer everything for YOUR selfish convenience. 

 No, the early FTM's were respectful. They saw themselves as dudes, left the Dyke community, and lived their lives as dudes out in the world. But see, you simply haven't the guts to do that for us, instead you coopt our Butch Dyke identities, our women only and Dyke spaces, and attempt to convince any hardcore Butch that she too is more male than female(that Butches aren't really female) by the use of male names, pronouns, hormones and surgeries ultimately, and then invite yourselves to get fucked both by dudes and dykes, exposing us to gay/bi male diseases ect. ect. ect. You are NO ALLIES of True Blue Butch Dykes! You are coopters, just like this Buck is... Go live your life, but don't rip us off! -MasterAmazon

Queering the Great Rite Workshop at Pantheacon

I was disturbed by how she asked all of us our 'genders' or 'sexes' but NOT our identifications, and in that moment I began to see how it's all in the framing. How one frames the question, what choices another gives, how one person limits another by not speaking the words that acknowledge a multitude of existences, how one follows a party line, whether it be religious/spiritual, social, political, sexual or otherwise.

I felt hemmed in by her preconceptions. For her, there was ONE WAY to use the Chalice and the Blade, and I will say that I have never participated in a 'Fucking the Cup' ritual, as a Lesbian Separatist Dianic friend of mine whose been around in the Pagan community says...it always seemed rather distasteful to me, and entirely heterosexist. Nor was an altar cloth set out, candles, or even a meditation on imagining our immense diversity of experiences as Lesbian/Gay/Queer folks, and how we combine our Sexuality and Spirituality together in a Sacred Way.


‎"We understand that political solidarity between females expressed in sisterhood goes beyond positive recognition of the experiences of women and even shared sympathy for common suffering. Feminist sisterhood is rooted in shared commitment to struggle against patriarchal injustice, no matter the form that injustice takes. Political solidarity between women always undermines sexism and sets the stage for the overthrow of patriarchy." --bell hooks

Made me think of
    • Feisty Amazon It's so much deeper than that, so much deeper. It goes to our flesh, our bodies, our biomorphic field of energy we can raise together, our innate FEMALE WILDNESS AND POWER. Not just the way that women have been victimized to come togehter, but the way we can so deeply, magically, and soulfully EMPOWER EACH OTHER TOGETHER, THROUGH RITUAL, SONG, DANCE, MUSIC, MARTIAL ARTS AND ENERGY, INCLUDING SEXUAL ENERGY APPROPIATELY USED!

Listening to Lesbians: Same Sex Attraction is not bigotry

Here it is:

Listening to Lesbians our voices matter

Banning lesbians – same sex attraction is not bigotry

I have avoided writing about this because I know what the reaction can be like and I have seen what happens to women who do speak publicly about this.

I have tried quite hard to discuss various issues WITHOUT addressing this because it is polarising, causes people to stop thinking, and leads to abuse and harassment. Moreover it is difficult to write anything nuanced on this topic without people misinterpreting and wilfully misrepresenting your words. And then there’s the ever-so-trendy hate that rains down on those that state publicly what others keep quiet about.

But I know that not writing about this is being silenced. I have “allowed” myself to be silenced on this just as many other women have, because of potential fallout.

And there is no amount of staying quiet that can keep us safe as lesbians, because there is an attempt from some to redefine the word lesbian to exclude us.

This includes a clear attempt to coercively redraw lesbian women’s sexual boundaries and to silence the lesbians who protest this.

I have no interest in defining and complicating others’ lives* but words have meanings and language matters.

We cannot stay silent while we are told that we are bigots for being lesbian.

To be a lesbian is to be a female who is romantically, emotionally and sexually attracted to other females. This is same-sex attraction.

There are those who argue a different definition of this word.

The debate hinges on

a) whether you think transwomen are women or not**
b) whether you think sexuality is attraction on the basis of gender*** or sex

If you think that sexuality is about same SEX attraction, you may have noticed something going on.

Women who say that they are lesbian and ONLY attracted to females are being told they are bigots, and are being abused on this basis.

I don’t care if women are attracted to (and in relationships with) transwomen but what concerns me is the use of the word lesbian to describe that relationship because of the implications for same-sex attracted lesbians. My interest is solely caused by the implications for same-sex attracted lesbians of that language use – this is about the difference between self-affecting acts and other-affecting acts.

There are real consequences if the word lesbian includes transwomen.

When those of us who are same-sex attracted lesbians try to describe ourselves, our relationships or our sexuality, what word are we to use if we cannot use ‘lesbian’? If the word used for some time to describe us, as understood by most people, is no longer representative of us what language are we to use?

More than this, if the word lesbian cannot be used in a context that excludes transwomen then we are even more marginalised. And this is what I see happening, this is what has happened to women I know, what has happened to me.

Lesbians are being told they are bigots, transphobes, transmysogynists and TERFs for considering itACCEPTABLE  for lesbians to be solely attracted to other females.

Originally when this was not such an extreme situation, I was not as concerned, assuming that using the word ‘female’ to specify same-sex attraction would be sufficient and unproblematic.

However, this is now a problem for two reasons. Firstly, any number of transwomen define themselves as female, rendering the qualifier useless in some conversations. But for those who consider the word female to denote biological sex, it is apparently unacceptable to exclude “non-female lesbians”.

In a lesbian group, amongst lesbians, I was told that it is transphobic for lesbians to be solely attracted to females. It is not a sexuality, apparently, it is a bigotry!! This happens repeatedly to lesbians around the world.

Lesbians must be able to name our own reality and we need that word to describe female-to-female same-sex attraction. We have no other word.

For centuries we have been socially sanctioned for our sexuality, we have been closeted, persecuted, abused, correctively raped, and killed, solely on the basis of being lesbian. Compulsory heterosexuality has weighed heavily on us, and we have borne the burden of oppression as women AND as lesbians.

And now we find that, in a lesbian community, being a dyke is suddenly outlawed?

In what way is this not just the continuation of compulsory heterosexuality?

When we are told that not being attracted to someone who was born male****  is immoral, this is exactly the same as being told that we are deviants for attraction to women and non-attraction to men, but it is now clothed in language that frames and proclaims us as oppressive for acknowledging biological facts and our own sexuality.

I see young lesbians confused by this, trying to do the “right” thing. Baby dykes asking if being lesbian CANmean only being attracted to females, trying hard to be inclusive even in their own sexual experiences.

That women are still asking if sexual boundaries are acceptable means that the rape culture which constantly erodes and undermines women’s sexual boundaries and attacks 

FeistyAmazon on 05/07/2015 at 2:19 am

Reblogged this on FeistyAmazon and commented:
Love love LOVE this!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!-FeistyAmazon

Rite of Passage

Why should the current rite of passage for a young Butch Dyke be taking
Hormones, binding her breasts severely, flattening them to the world but wounding heart and lungs in the process?

Instead of coming into her youthful powerful fiery Amazonism she is trying to erase the Female from her body, the womonness from her mind, killing her female soul?

Being convinced she must have her breasts shorn from her body like so many strands of hair.

We Butches of the 70s and 80s settled for cutting our hair and wearing it short. It would always grow back...we claimed our Female Power, honored it at Festivals, at play parties, at women's houses, in the Mountains, under the Moons ad Stars with our Wild and Lovely Dyke Sisters!!!

Lesbians were dipped in chocolate, skinny dipped in streams and rivers, lakes and oceans, we danced and drummed our Female Power at bonfires in the woods....we Traveled to distant stars and came back..through an orgasm, a song, a chant, a roar, to the beat of the drum ruling our Wild Female Hearts!!!We KNEW OUR POWER, WITH EACH OTHER!!
Sisters who could see inside our WomonSouls to the depths of our Oceanic Female Selves.....

"Warrior Goddess" my response taken from a post at Medusa Coils

I'm proud to be a Dyke Amazon Warrior/Amazon Witch, and a lifelong martial artist. I combined all these aspects of me to define my spirituality and the spiritual mysteries I teach as an Amazon Warrior/Amazon Witch/Amazon Priestess....I believe the ancient Amazons were the last defenders of the Matriarchy, those peaceloving cultures of the Mother that were being badly trounced by some of the more patriarchal Greek, Roman and other cultures.... As in the martial arts, when I see that energy in the Sacred Female, at least the dieties I personally work with, it is always and primarily IN DEFENSE, and Self-Defense, not in aggression and conquering of other peoples and other ways of being, but protecting ourselves as womyn, our Sacred Mysteries and our Sacred places and Female spaces..... I have never been a pacifist, but neither do I support warmongering either and the support of constant warmaking. This is PRECISELY WHY I'm into Goddess worship and ultimately worship the Goddess of 10,000 Names as She comes in many forms and temperaments, connecting with those that fit for me and that I need in my life and connect best with. The whole concept of a matriarchal peaceloving culture like Catal Huyuk lasting 1000 years without war is amazing to me...and what I long for. But as a Butch Dyke, just to survive, I need to be an AmazonWarrior, a Warrior for women and myself as the type of woman I am, just to survive in a world that would just extinguish my kind. The other side of me is Amazon Priestess, where I serve Her and Her beautiful Planet and womyn and She guides and moves through me...these are deep deep vows I have taken being on this Path of Goddess worship for 30 years, ever since the Dyke Witches brought me out in 1981!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

 There is a family connection to her death. Not only do I feel connected to RBG being a Bew York Jew born and raised,my father grew up the same time as her in Brooklyn  and graduated in the same class as her from Cornell. He too, did his post grad at Columbia University.

Like RGB, my Jewish Grandmother broke ground by becoming a School Principal for a public school in Brooklyn, before women were promoted to this position. I came up in NYC Feminism from the influence of strong women around me, from 1969 on, only being 9 years old. I heard the older girls talking about all this. 

Women who believed in themselves, each other and in pursuing their careers and lives, in persisting and not being held back by men or patriarchal institutions and who persevered like RBG did, and my Grandmother, and Shirley Chisolm running for President! Such women were and are a deep inspiration to me!

It enabled me to pursue my Black Belt, and a career in the Trades. The laws Ruth Bader Ginsburg helped pass or supported in her work, enabled us to have our own careers, apartments, credit cards and independence  AS independent Females, without needing male approval or males to sign for us.

I sure hope we can ADD to her legacy and her last wishes that herseat remain empty until after the new President is inaugurated.

Lets visualize her overlooking that seat along with Lilith, that it STAY EMPTY to such time that our new President BIDEN is inaugurated!! SO MOTE IT BE!!!

                 - The feistiest of AMAZONS

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Jade River High Priestess of Reformed Congregation of the Goddess Passing

 A beloved Priestess and founder of Reformed Congregation  of the Goddess died. Sadly, I never got to meet her. Though I joined the Congregation one year. I have my card on my altar. - Amazon

 Here are her words:

Affirmation of Women's Spirituality - By Jade

There is one circle of Women's energy, and I am a part of this energy. It is mine to direct. I wish to direct my energy:

To Know:

That I can create my own reality and that sending out a positive expectation will bring a positive result.
That the energy which I send out returns to me.
That there are an infinite number of possibilities for my life.
That every situation is an opportunity to practice and develop my craft.
That my instincts and intuition can be used to guide me.
That my only power is in the present.
That the Goddess or life force energy is within me.

To Will:

That I shall never use my energy unwisely or to limit the free will of another.
That I shall grow in wisdom, strength, knowledge, and understanding.
That I shall, as much as I am aware, act in honesty to myself and to others.
That I shall never use my energy for evil, aggressive, or manipulative ends and shall only use my energy for positive purposes.
That I shall grow to understand the cyclic, life affirming rhythms of the Earth and always act with love toward Her and all Her plants and creatures. 
That I shall transform all negative in my environment. 

To Dare:

To be myself.
To take responsibility for myself and my actions and know that, consciously or unconsciously, I have drawn situations to me.
To be strong and independent, even in the midst of a struggle.
To accept and understand those whose ethnic or racial background, social or economic class, appearance, or sexual preference are different from my own.
To stand firm and committed to Women and my spiritual beliefs even in times of isolation, pain, desperation, or negativity. 

And to understand when to speak and when to keep the silence.

So mote it be.

Thank you, Jade River, for all you gave during your time here on earth. Rest easy in the arms of Great Mother... until we meet again. You are an ancestress now. —Ava

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Social Distancing, Social Boundaries for Womyn

It came to me today that the whole "Social Distancing" thing felt oddly familiar. The last week I been trying to put it into practice.

Then the Leo part of me began getting into it, especially at a local gas station with close quarters where two women were hanging out in front by the cashier taking up space with no intention to check out since they couldn't figure out what they wanted to purchase yet I just wanted to pay for my gas and go. They both were within two feet of me and I so wanted to tell them " I need my 6 feet!!"

I thought this is all a joke because there absolutely was no awareness at all of any of the rules at the gas station, and ALOT of people pass through a gas station indoors in close quarters!!

At work, coffee shops and even grocery stores they are bringing awareness to it, since I can only do take out at my favorite coffee shops and grocery stores have that bullet proof plastic erected in front of the cashier and they are wearing rubber gloves. They also have sanitizing wipes for the carts and cart  handles.

Last week my coworker asked what I was doing for the weekend and I wasn't in the greatest mood, I was tired at the  end of the week dealing with new policies because of COVID, and instituting them.
So I told her " Its a fucked up World with a fucked up President, where the hell am I gonna go? I can't even go sit in a damn  coffeeshop!!"
The social isolation is getting to me.
And not being able to even hug folks or shake  hands. I shook someone's hand a couple days ago, then told him " Im not supposed to shake your hand!"  We are creatures of touch and affection! Supposedly we need a certain number of hugs a day to thrive, or even a pat on the shoulder, or an introductory handshake. Now its a matter of life or death!

Well back to the 6 feet, which I applied throughout the grocery store whilst shopping...

Today talking to my coworker and close pal,  I realized that I taught women in Self Defense classes that they have a RIGHT to their bodily boundaries whether it be 3 inches, like on a crowded bus, or 10 feet walking down the street at night in a dangerous city environment. This is THEIR PROTECTIVE BUBBLE. I would have them visualize either protective white light or 4 Goddesses/ Amazon or female Samurai Warriors walking with them. One in front, one behind, one to the left, one to the right. One for each Direction protecting them.
Nobody was permitted to penetrate their protective bubble without their permission,  and to keep up the bubble, till they were safely home, unlocked the door and turned the lights on and their space was safe. Then they could let it down.

I have used this many times at night while living in Oakland, CA, and on my way home while walking. It kept me both alert and safe. I WOULD defend my territory if I needed to.

So today I realized that 6 feet is the distance a kick could reach. When sparring, I stayed out of the 6 foot range of another Martial Artist unless I was ready to attack, and so I could move quickly if they chose to attack. The same is true in a security circumstance dealing with difficult people who may be combative or hostile. 6 feet gives you room to move, defend or get away without being surprised and victimized. This is why 6 feet felt so familiar.

As a Leo, I am quite territorial. Whether its my bedroom, my items or my person. I don't want people touching me that I don't know, particularly men. Its a form of sexual harassment I noticed while in the Trades. Womyn are the " touchable" caste, even if its not in overt sexual zones.

I noticed one day that on my way to the bathroom at work, there's one Hispanic woman always cleaning the hallway, her section, a pal of mine I always chit chat with and am friendly to, even though her English is limited. One day one of the guys in the factory on his way out the door hugged and squeezed on her. The look on her face was very disturbing.  It was not consensual,  not wanted, very much sexual harassment, typical white male entitlement. I did the motion of brushing off each shoulder in disgust. She took my hand and slapped it several times, expressing to me in that moment of friendship and woman bonding she wished she could have done that to him, a spanking for violating her boundaries. I let her know I had her back!!

So back to the 6 foot rule. Instead of "Social Distancing" which to my Moon in Pisces half denotes isolation and alienation, something I can all too easily do and go into a deep funk, it came to me to rename it, for womyn especially, "Social Boundaries." For my mental, physical and spiritual health I NEED MY 6 FEET DAMMIT!! THIS LEO NEEDS HER TERRITORY WHEREVER SHE GOES!!!
Reframe it and rename it, take back your power. You have a RIGHT to your boundaries!!
   - In Sisterhood,
   - The FeistyAmazon

Friday, March 27, 2020

We are all Under House Arrest

So every one of us is under house arrest now. Work, if you got a job then come home. Only necessary chores like shopping and getting gas  and going to the Dr.
Otherwise we are all prisoners just like Martha Stewart in our own homes. We have our electronic leash right in our pocket or underneath our fingers as we write...what a fucked up world!!

     - MasterAmazon