Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Guest Post: Experience at 2018 SF Dyke March by Anonymous Dyke

I marched with 11 women in the San Francisco Dyke March Saturday night (June 23rd). It was a terrible experience. Worse than I was expecting. We got harassed and bullied from the very beginning because of the signs some of us were carrying. Three of my friends got pushed down and had their signs torn up and taken away. But we all kept marching the full length of the march. A sizable crowd followed us and chanted like a mob and surrounded us: Transphobes gotta go! It was pretty awful and we had to get the police for protection. We were totallly non-violent! We were representing lesbian voices and visibility. The hate on these mostly young people's faces -- both men and women-- was frightening. One of my friends got knocked down three times and she kept getting up and carrying her sign even though by the end of the March it was in shreds. Her sign said Biology is not Bigotry. And the other sign said You cannot silence me with violence. She was a true Amazon Warrior and kept marching. The rest of us tried to protect her including her partner who also got knocked down and whose sign got taken away. We finally got the police but they were fairly clueless and at first they thought we were the instigators. One of my friends almost got arrested because the mob tried to paint us as the aggressors. Oh San Francisco -- you used to be such a great place. You kind of suck now. Too much hate. There is a large segment of the trans advocates community who really hate feminist lesbians. They also hate freedom of speech, and their response is one of crushing free speech, as we witnessed, and we're seeing this over and over again not just yesterday. They block free discussion of ideas. For those of us who still believe in democratic expression of ideas-- it's time to step up and make your voices heard now! -Anonymous Dyke

Sunday, June 3, 2018

In Response to the Llewelyn article " Why is Queer Magic So Powerful?"

Well being a Lesbian who practices Lesbian magic ever since the Dyke Witches brought me out, I could tell you two reasons why: our energy is NOT tied up in procreation, that is no. 1

No. 2 is the gynomorphic field of pure Female energy, as womanfested particularly at Michfest, which was an INTENSELY MAGICAL and freeing Amazon Nation, 75 to 90% Lesbian. The Goddess is absolutely centered on that Land and a Goddess statue 30 ft tall erected every year for the 3 months womyn inhabited the Land building the Festival each year, the Festival itself then taking it down.

It simply was the most powerful magical affirming place for me as a matriarchal DykeAmazon Warrior/Witch that goes beyond words. Magic was present there everyday, constant drumming the heartbeat of the Land and all manner of ritual...Lesbian Magic fueled it all...it was the most explosive colorful example of Female creativity I have ever witnessed and this was before Burning Man.

One of the most magical.moments for me was the 400 strong Womyns Spiral Dance in 2015. I have been to large womyns rituals, but THAT was the largest I had EVER been to, we took over an entire meadow.

There were other workshops, experiences, and the final night of performances with 1000 womyn strong there in the Acoustic Bowl, which was literally one long beautiful immensely powerful ritual where true DykeAmazon Magic was done that went beyond words, between the gifted singers, Amazons and Priestesses.
Talk about POWERFUL Matriarchal Dyke Magic, that was it, and I was blessed to be part of that Sacred Amazon Tribal Gathering. NEVER have I been so affirmed on EVERY Level as a Dyke, and as a Female as I was at Michfest. Or experienced so many powerful Mysteries packed into a single week. There I was free.


Dyke is NOT a term open to bisexuals as Dykes do NOT fuck men. Dykes are LESBIANS. There is no part of Lesbianism or Dyke Being that includes ongoing sexual contact with men.

Bisexuals have the terms queer and pansexual they can add to their repertoire, NOT DYKE.