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Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

GUEST POST: Pele Sized Rage by Spider Redgold

I have a rage...
in me..
Pele sized rage
 a volcanic lava of rage
I am rage...
And I am tired
Tired of men thinking that can walk into the space feminists have created
and shame me
shame us
into thinking they belong in this volcano sized rage

Try to shame me/us into thinking they know what it is to be girl

Shame us into leaving the word mother behind
Shame is into being uterus bearers

I have a rage in me that is dangerous
like molten lava is dangerous..

I use that rage, not to harm anyone
I use that rage
direct that lava into protecting women and girls
protecting girlhood
protecting tomboys from thinking they must take testosterone to feel allowed/valid

My rage is dangerous
my wild female mind is unleashed
I will protect women and girls to my dying breath

I will lay my body across the gate to the temple

will you step on me to make sure men are comfortable?

Spider Redgold © 2017