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Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Monday, October 23, 2017


You fuck men, males, (and Female)you are NOT Gay or Lesbian. Both terms MEAN HOMOSEXUAL (Gay) or Female Homosexual. Dyke is a fierce out loud and proud LESBIAN term. Every time a bi/pan/queer individual claims a purely Lesbian or homosexual term IT IMPLIES  our sexuality is fluid and if need be we too could engage in het sex, or be hit on by the opposite sex. Conservative Religion is always pushng this too..that we can be converted to mostly straight.

This is even more problematic for Lesbians cuz dudes THINK they can convert us, or we will make an exception for them. So by you using the term "gay", and other nonLesbians using the term "lesbian or dyke", you put Lesbian/Dyke/Gay womyn at risk to be hit on by het or bi males. It happens ALL THE TIME. And it partly happens cuz they got a bi/pan woman like you coopting OUR labels fucking them, so they THINK WE WILL TOO, if properly persuaded. THAT is nonconsensual!!!

This Lesbian/Dyke whose been gay 36 years DOESNT DO BIO MALES OR WANNA BE MALES OF ANY STRIPE.
WBW Lesbian womyn ONLY.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Charge of the Crone-Author Unknown

This was read at the Croning Ceremony I attended where I was Croned among others. Very powerful and life changing.

I heard this once before in a ritual put on by Bayla at the darkest dark Moon of the Year: right before Winter Solstice. She opened up her Crone circles to ALL WOMYN, and yes Bayla was Lesbian.

Hear the words of the Grandmother of Time:
She who has been known as Hecate, Erishkagel, Cerridwen, Kali-Ma, Anna, Hella, Spider Woman, and many other names - some feared, and some loved, but none ever ignored.

She it is who brings wisdom and the awareness of eternity.
She has been the Maiden, and remembers that joy.
She has been the Mother, and recalls that pleasure.
But age has changed her, and taught her the mysteries of the Wheel that is ever turning, the Wheel that is life, death, and rebirth.

She is the whirling tornado, the erupting volcano, the rising tidal wave, the trembling of the earth's crust.
With age comes an understanding of the past, and a glimpse of the future.
For, in the turning of the Wheel, the past is the future, and the future is the past.
She is the Learned One, the Teacher, the Bringer of Inevitable Change.
She is the Dark of the Moon, the Hidden One, the invisible unknown that lies ahead.

But do not fear her for she is not malicious, and her touch, however harsh, is love. Only in ignorance is she scorned and reviled.
Those who do not know her, parody her as the ugly old woman whose powers were said to blight crops and sour the milk in the cow. It is fear that turns her age into abomination, her wrinkles into hideous deformity, and her voice into an evil and manipulative cackle.
For those who sought power over the earth were afraid to face her wisdom and her unalterable truth.
But in the old days, we sat at her feet to learn the most ancient lore.

From her came the knowledge of the healing herbs, and the chants and songs that shaped our lives. She sat in honour at our councils, our marketplaces, in our homes. She governed our governing, and interpreted our laws. She gave focus to our changing seasons. She was our teacher, our oracle, our promise of rebirth.

Come, honour her as of old, listen now to the words of Wise One, the ancient Seer, the Crone!

- author unknown

Lesbian Issues so Easily Dismissed by Het and Bi Women

I feel as the other feels, where issues that affect mostly het women like "porn and prostitution" are "real" issues, but issues that affect Lesbians like equal access to the workplace, wages, work opportunities, the ability to be OUT on the job and not discriminated against or even demoted or fired, the ability to show our love and hold hands in public, to not not fear harasment or violence against us for doing so, the worst being "corrective rape", religious intolerance and hatred against and a Presidency and Justice Department that wants no protections for Lesbian or gay workers and to strip away any protections we MAY have, the access to womyn and even Lesbian only spaces, bookstores, festivals, bars, events, conferences DENIED to us and lost where we cannot even meet AS LESBIANS without male interference and claiming of our very identity and Being, pressuring other young or newly out Lesbians that "trans women are women" and " penis is female, get over your penisphobia", and any smack of Butchness "you must be a man, you oughta transition", all THESE LESBIAN ISSUES deserve just as much attention as the needs of straight and bi women.

Friday, October 6, 2017

The Word Lesbian is POWERFUL Guest Post by Miriam Ben Shalom

The word Lesbian is powerful. If a woman says she is a Lesbian, that means she has discarded much of Patriarchy, has taken the love of her Self to other women. Being a Lesbian means, a woman does not rely on men to define her Self nor does she depend on men to support her or do for her. Saying "I am a Lesbian" means that one will not treat women as men do--as objects to be used and demeaned.

Being a Lesbian (and not 'queer') means that a woman can be a warrior, a fighter, a healer, a teacher, but all her energy is for and by women. A Lesbian is, to borrow a phrase, for us, by us always. To say "I am a Lesbian" is to connect historically with the poet of Lesbos, with the legions of women come before whose names we do not know, but whom we inuit, whom we grieve for amid flames and smoke of the auto-de-fe and Inquisitions.

Lesbian is a word some will not accept because they cannot tolerate the power of the word, they can't abide by the construct of being a free woman to love whom she will, who directs her love, both agape, and eros, to her Sisters. Such women can't give up men, can't give up servitude to men, can't give up the notion that they need men to exist. They can't give up the idea that slavery is freedon, that revolution is what being a Lesbian is. Those who will have sex with a woman but call themselves queer and who pander to men in dresses fear the Lesbian because deep inside, they know she speaks the truth of what a woman is and can be when she takes her power, accepts it, and follows her path whatever that may be.

The Lesbian says, do not call me cis, do not call me queer, do not call me by any name but woman, do not call us by any pronoun but she, her, hers. The Lesbian whom some call butch is not masculine, she is the ultimate of female power. She does not bend to the parody of beauty that men foist on women. She does not shrink from that task at hand. She deals with the world sure in her own presence and power. The Lesbian whom some call femme is no man's dream, is no woman weakness. She stands in her power against the demands of patriarchy and lives as she will in her beauty, in her life, and refuses the definition men might like to place upon her. And then there are Lesbians--we used to be called kiki-- those of us who do what we can, when we can, how we can. It is never a proposition of "may". We do what we must to care for our Sisters and let them care for us. We never lose sight of who we are and what we are and we refuse to dishonor ourselves and our Sisters by using any other name but Lesbian.

We define ourselves in each --our own unique way for our Self and for our existence. As for me, I am what I am: I am the howler at the edge of the darkness of the bent ones; i am the one with red eyes and a fierce growl, the one who will not allow the bent ones to have their way and desire to put shoah upon womenkind. The one who looks for the false and unjust, the one who looks for those who would deny women. The one who howls in warning.  We define our power by ourselves, we define ourselves by our power.

Lesbian is the ultimate act of revolution in the implicit denial of patriarchy, of male demands, of male hubris, of male violence and destruction. Lesbian is the word that stands against the annihilation and erasure of women.

Just my thoughts (and there are more) and I stick to them. But then, I am a Lesbian.
        -Miriam Ben Shalom