Drumming Amazon

Drumming Amazon
Drumming DykeAmazon

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Big Dyke from SF Dyke March

Sunday, April 23, 2017

In response to a Goddess Festival Censoring a Lesbian Workshop

In response to The Goddess Festival censoring a Lesbian Workshop for WBW Lesbians called The Disappearing L.

Here is their statement in entirety and my response below:

STATEMENT FROM THE GODDESS FESTIVAL: Controversy has emerged, over one workshop of many beautiful workshops, at the Goddess Festival going on this week. The Festival Planning Circle would like to share with you a more complete story of the situation than you may see through social media posts.
The workshop in question was titled “The Disappearing L: Lesbians Rise Up”. The content involves the changing role of lesbians in the current culture, and the audience was anticipated to be women.
Goddess Festival Planning Circle members attended a meeting with founders of a new transgender rights group, Intransitive, where we listened carefully to the concerns along with a list of demands that were presented. Within the context of our own values for inclusion and welcome for all, we did our best to accommodate these requests. During the meeting we offered to make a public apology, offered to repost the workshop with the inclusive language given us, of “cisgender”, and to sponsor ongoing educational opportunities. But because we were unwilling to shut out the voices of these particular workshop presenters by canceling this workshop, dialogue with Intransitive was withdrawn by Intransitive.
The Goddess Festival and OMNI Center work to open space for many different progressive perspectives and stand firmly for equality and fairness for all people. Many of these carry deep pain from the oppressions we all bring to our work for a better world, but some communities are experiencing greater attack than others. The transgender community, like the immigrant community, is facing attack right now, and we understand their need to defend themselves. We sincerely apologize for the insensitivity we displayed, and would like to make appropriate amends. We hope we can all remember that we are in this struggle together, because that’s what we need to focus on right now.
After the meeting with Intransitive, the minutes of the meeting were taken back to the Goddess Festival Planning Circle. The agenda was fully discussed and arguments from all side were heard. It was determined by the Goddess Festival, acting under the umbrella of OMNI, that the workshop, “Disappearing L” will be cancelled effective immediately. The Goddess Festival and OMNI would like to reiterate that we have a strong partnership with our community and look forward to continuing our commitment to equality together." -The Goddess Festival/OMNI

I teach Amazon, Goddess and Womyns Mysteries, have attending womons and Dianic rituals for 36 years, totally honoring the Goddess of 10,000 Names, the Dyke Witches brought me out in 1981, and I do NOT share my energy with born males or work with male dieties...

The Work is too great to bring the Goddess Energy forth in the hearts of all womyn Called to the Path, and Rebalance the Olanet from.all the toxic male energy!

Goddess Awaken, Goddess arise now!!!I worship the Sacred Female on ALL LEVELS..sexually, emotionally intellectually, Spiritually and Psychically, on EVERY Level!!

No man's Land, not even the Castrati....and there WERE Temples solely dedicated to a particular Goddess and women only  where men could not approach except from a distance...

There ARE other Dieties that HAVE sexual Mysteries of being BOTH sexes like Janus, and the majority of Paganism is in  mixed groups, and the whole Cybele/Adonis thing for the Castrati. They COULD EXPLORE THEIR OWN unique Mysteries WITHOUT coOpting and exploiting OURS. 

WE DykeAmazons MUST stand strong and defend our remaining Territories and create and grow new ones!!!Some of us after the loss of Michfest ARE doing that!!!  -MasterAmazon