What is a Butch??? My response:
I dont do gender, I REJECTED FEMININE ROLES SINCE AGE 7, adopted Feminism.at age 9 in 1969, I am seeking my Full Female Autonomy, always have. Went from Tomboy to Butch when I came out. No rollers, no curls, no dresses, no skirts, no hose, no makeup, no lady razors or hair shaving, preferably no bra, no highly girly pursuits for me. Instead ice hockey, martial arts, the Trades, as a young Tomboy morphed into Butch as I came out, a pioneer, a groundbreaker, an Amazon Warrior, going where other women feared to go...like ALL my Butch Sisters and Butch Mentors...you could call us untameable Feral Females.
Some Butches like Femmes, some of us Butches prefer other Butches, some enjoy BOTH Butch and Femme, but bottomline Butches LOVE AND LUST AFTER WOMEN!!
Ok for me, Female Identified Butch is a modern day version.of an Amazon. Womon loving womon, sometimes fierce, wears sensible shoes, boots and sandals generally low to the ground, solid stance, direct stare, stands her ground, doesnt concede to men, often with short hair, but not always, often dresses in traditionally mens clothes, but BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMON, on her, they are WOMENS CLOTHES, some wear jewelry, some dont, but you KNOW HER BY THE FIRE OF DESIRE IN HER EYES. IN THAT SHE DOES NOT FLINCH.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Another Lesbian medley post-MasterAmazon
And folks are born a sex, not gender. Gender is purely a patriarchal construct to keep females down, and males one up, reinforced throughout the world by male dominated religion, political, social and economic institutions run.by males for males.
WBW Lesbians are the ONLY Beings able to separate from male domination for short periods of time, and on an erotic level as well, where we can choose to give our energies solely to females on the deepest most intimate levels.
Then anytime we talk about OUR NEEDS, suddenly it turns to "intersex" and where do they fit? along with the tired "transwomen are women" trope. ANYTHING but Lesbians advocating SOLELY for OURSELVES...
Intersex people gotta speak FOR THEMSELVES. I am addressing Sister WBW not the .005%, this is a silencing tactic of the 99.95% of biological Females and our erasure and ESPECIALLY of Lesbian/Dyke communities and Being....
Now being threatened to be kicked out for my views: Not arguing, stating OUR viewpoint. We represent born female Older Bolder Lesbians, lifelong Lesbians, by and FOR lifelong born female Lesbians, without compromise. This is who WE are, who we connect with, and we are a part of the community, our needs are NOT getting met, we are not going away. Either we are PART of this community or we arent. I am not the only one here. Already I have made 3 connections on this group alone.
We done and still do the marches, we are OUT, we put our bodies on the line, do not sit in the closet, and advocate by and FOR Lesbians unashamedly. We have resisted male encroachment, pressure and shaming from within and without as we see our ability to connect so under attack, both within and without. We wont be silenced any longer. And yes, we ARE organizing. Others hear our words...they Remember. And creating, ESPECIALLY after the loss of our DykeAmazon Lesbian HomeLand of Michfest.
We ARE Older Bolder Fierce Dykes. Probably too undiluted, too strong a cup of tea for most. - MasterAmazon
WBW Lesbians are the ONLY Beings able to separate from male domination for short periods of time, and on an erotic level as well, where we can choose to give our energies solely to females on the deepest most intimate levels.
Then anytime we talk about OUR NEEDS, suddenly it turns to "intersex" and where do they fit? along with the tired "transwomen are women" trope. ANYTHING but Lesbians advocating SOLELY for OURSELVES...
Intersex people gotta speak FOR THEMSELVES. I am addressing Sister WBW not the .005%, this is a silencing tactic of the 99.95% of biological Females and our erasure and ESPECIALLY of Lesbian/Dyke communities and Being....
Now being threatened to be kicked out for my views: Not arguing, stating OUR viewpoint. We represent born female Older Bolder Lesbians, lifelong Lesbians, by and FOR lifelong born female Lesbians, without compromise. This is who WE are, who we connect with, and we are a part of the community, our needs are NOT getting met, we are not going away. Either we are PART of this community or we arent. I am not the only one here. Already I have made 3 connections on this group alone.
We done and still do the marches, we are OUT, we put our bodies on the line, do not sit in the closet, and advocate by and FOR Lesbians unashamedly. We have resisted male encroachment, pressure and shaming from within and without as we see our ability to connect so under attack, both within and without. We wont be silenced any longer. And yes, we ARE organizing. Others hear our words...they Remember. And creating, ESPECIALLY after the loss of our DykeAmazon Lesbian HomeLand of Michfest.
We ARE Older Bolder Fierce Dykes. Probably too undiluted, too strong a cup of tea for most. - MasterAmazon
Lifelong LandDyke Jo GUEST POST
I met Jo in an over 50 Lesbian group which was NOT entirely about Lesbians. Y'all know what I mean....and she had this wonderful share as a lifelong LandDyke reaching out to me and how much I VALUE our Dyke and WBW SPACE and Beings something we have in common, another DykeAmazon Sister!!!
- M.A
" I think you and I share the same views/beliefs about wbw lesbian space. I agree with all you have written on this thread/conversation. I am 52 yrs old, I have been out since I was 15. My thoughts about wbw lesbian space: I can't express the depth of my gratitude to all the dykes who came before me, who worked, sweat, sometimes bled, struggled, faced hate in the face, and were able to create safe lesbian wbw spaces for themselves and we who came after you. Like Michfest, other concert or meeting type events/spaces, and to me, most importantly, lesbian/womyn's land. I have no problems with trans folks. I don't understand all their issues, but I believe that they must be deeply felt and real to them, to go thru the work and pain of transitioning. I also respect the (often/usually) 'young folks' beliefs of gender fluidity and being 'queer', rather than more 'specific' names for themselves. I think that somewhere in the future, in the distant, distant future, lesbians, trans folks, queers, bi folks, and maybe even gay men, may be able to share space and work together. I think some of the 'young' womyn think that that time has arrived. And they are embracing the whole spectrum of people now. I think they believe this because they are removed and unknowing and understanding of what has been done for them by older womyn and dykes. I strongly DO NOT believe that time of embracing everyone is here. I think lesbians and wbw still very much need their own spaces. To be with 'their own', to be with those who have understanding of the herstory of our shared struggle. I have lived on wbw land for the last 23 yrs. (DOE in SW WI - since '76 - feel free to message me for info) I, and all the womyn who have passed thru this land in the last 40 yrs, have reveled in being able to be themselves and being safe in nature. To share with those who have shared life experiences. To learn from each other, and grow stronger together. This is irreplaceable and so valuable in this world. I don't have a problem with trans or other folks, but I believe they need to create their own spaces. To fight for them, and to make them what they want and need. And then to revel in those spaces, being with others like them, and sharing with each other. I hate that many trans folks think that we need to share what we have created for ourselves with them. Because in doing that, what we have is lost forever. And I don't believe that is what most of my foremothers worked and fought for. And I KNOW that is not what I have worked and fought for, in my 23 yrs here on wbw land." -Jo
- M.A
" I think you and I share the same views/beliefs about wbw lesbian space. I agree with all you have written on this thread/conversation. I am 52 yrs old, I have been out since I was 15. My thoughts about wbw lesbian space: I can't express the depth of my gratitude to all the dykes who came before me, who worked, sweat, sometimes bled, struggled, faced hate in the face, and were able to create safe lesbian wbw spaces for themselves and we who came after you. Like Michfest, other concert or meeting type events/spaces, and to me, most importantly, lesbian/womyn's land. I have no problems with trans folks. I don't understand all their issues, but I believe that they must be deeply felt and real to them, to go thru the work and pain of transitioning. I also respect the (often/usually) 'young folks' beliefs of gender fluidity and being 'queer', rather than more 'specific' names for themselves. I think that somewhere in the future, in the distant, distant future, lesbians, trans folks, queers, bi folks, and maybe even gay men, may be able to share space and work together. I think some of the 'young' womyn think that that time has arrived. And they are embracing the whole spectrum of people now. I think they believe this because they are removed and unknowing and understanding of what has been done for them by older womyn and dykes. I strongly DO NOT believe that time of embracing everyone is here. I think lesbians and wbw still very much need their own spaces. To be with 'their own', to be with those who have understanding of the herstory of our shared struggle. I have lived on wbw land for the last 23 yrs. (DOE in SW WI - since '76 - feel free to message me for info) I, and all the womyn who have passed thru this land in the last 40 yrs, have reveled in being able to be themselves and being safe in nature. To share with those who have shared life experiences. To learn from each other, and grow stronger together. This is irreplaceable and so valuable in this world. I don't have a problem with trans or other folks, but I believe they need to create their own spaces. To fight for them, and to make them what they want and need. And then to revel in those spaces, being with others like them, and sharing with each other. I hate that many trans folks think that we need to share what we have created for ourselves with them. Because in doing that, what we have is lost forever. And I don't believe that is what most of my foremothers worked and fought for. And I KNOW that is not what I have worked and fought for, in my 23 yrs here on wbw land." -Jo
Monday, January 16, 2017
Supportive of WBW Space from a Different Perspective Guest Post: JD Bowen
I found support in a Lesbian group where many do not see the value of WBW space, whether J D Bowen partakes or not, JD is supportive of us Dykes who NEED IT. JD covers many topics in a logical and clear minded fashion. A valuable truthsaying perspective. -M.A.
"I am a butch dyke who is also gender queer. I'm not a man and have no plan to transition - I find it distressing that so many butches feel pressure to transition and many are unhappy - some unhappy enough to transition back. I am female born and have been out in the LGBT community for over 30 years. I never really embraced the label lesbian and felt much more comfortable with dyke or queer or gay. Even before I finally sucked up the courage and faced the gender question about 15 years ago. I live in the middle but am female born and female bodied. I share this to give context as I now sometimes feel like an intruder in WBW spaces. As someone who identifies as trans or gender bent or gender queer, I have much more in common with WBW lesbians than those who have or are transitioning. Of all the transwomen I've met, most still have assumed privilege that they are blind to, assumed entitlement that they are blind to, and more male conditioned ways of communicating. It is different talking to a transwoman than a born female woman. The reality is they have been raised as boys even though they rejected it and have been granted the freedoms and expectations of boys when they were in their first few years of life. Social conditioning plays a huge role in how we communicate and impacts the lens through which we see the world. Of course there are always exceptions to every generalization. But they are the exceptions, not the norm. Woman don't have the space to be themselves. To come down from being on guard. To relax and let the unconscious protections go. And when transwomen enter a women's only space with their male-based entitlement and communication styles, the space immediately stops being the safe haven for WBW. This is just my observations based on my personal experience. It isn't likely true for every situation out there - it has been true in my personal experiences. WBW spaces need to be guarded religiously and held sacred. I remember well the days when lesbian bars would get popular and gay men would start to hang out and eventually the lesbian bar became a gay bar and in time the lesbians stopped going because the energy and the safety factor had changed. The only time I was ever sexually assaulted in a bar was in a gay men's bar. Safe women's spaces disappear far too quickly. I don't have an opinion on whether this fb group is or needs to be a WBW space - only the group owner and moderators can make that decision. But I do fully support those who are saying they need WBW only spaces." -JD Bowen
"I am a butch dyke who is also gender queer. I'm not a man and have no plan to transition - I find it distressing that so many butches feel pressure to transition and many are unhappy - some unhappy enough to transition back. I am female born and have been out in the LGBT community for over 30 years. I never really embraced the label lesbian and felt much more comfortable with dyke or queer or gay. Even before I finally sucked up the courage and faced the gender question about 15 years ago. I live in the middle but am female born and female bodied. I share this to give context as I now sometimes feel like an intruder in WBW spaces. As someone who identifies as trans or gender bent or gender queer, I have much more in common with WBW lesbians than those who have or are transitioning. Of all the transwomen I've met, most still have assumed privilege that they are blind to, assumed entitlement that they are blind to, and more male conditioned ways of communicating. It is different talking to a transwoman than a born female woman. The reality is they have been raised as boys even though they rejected it and have been granted the freedoms and expectations of boys when they were in their first few years of life. Social conditioning plays a huge role in how we communicate and impacts the lens through which we see the world. Of course there are always exceptions to every generalization. But they are the exceptions, not the norm. Woman don't have the space to be themselves. To come down from being on guard. To relax and let the unconscious protections go. And when transwomen enter a women's only space with their male-based entitlement and communication styles, the space immediately stops being the safe haven for WBW. This is just my observations based on my personal experience. It isn't likely true for every situation out there - it has been true in my personal experiences. WBW spaces need to be guarded religiously and held sacred. I remember well the days when lesbian bars would get popular and gay men would start to hang out and eventually the lesbian bar became a gay bar and in time the lesbians stopped going because the energy and the safety factor had changed. The only time I was ever sexually assaulted in a bar was in a gay men's bar. Safe women's spaces disappear far too quickly. I don't have an opinion on whether this fb group is or needs to be a WBW space - only the group owner and moderators can make that decision. But I do fully support those who are saying they need WBW only spaces." -JD Bowen
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Lesbian Medley!! Several different posts!
Thank you K. Morrigan, you speak for more and more of us Longtime Lesbians who have watched OUR Lesbian and womyns culture slowly frittered away by those who do NOT represent us or reflect OUR wbw Lesbian lives fully AS FEMALES LOVING FEMALES.
Our bookstores, businesses, festivals, Lands, places in the community disappeared as OUR letter in the alphabet soup, by and FOR Lesbians as an integral group. So many of our Lesbian resources LOST, for male identified queerification.
But heck SOME of us ARE rebuilding, by and FOR our WBW Lesbian brethren and from the painful loss of Michfest, our DykeAmazon Homeland...
You wear Her name proudly, Kendra... Not so old. The QIA is a bunch of nonsense. Either your homo or not..homosex will ALWAYS be proscribed by the patriarchal religionists, just like abortion, because its not procreation.
Actually we should be sacred and in fact in Butch Lesbian Judy Grahn's book Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds she speaks of our Sacred Offices and often Shamanic roles. She talk wbout the crossdressing ,the homosexuality and Lesbinism that sets us apart at liminal boundaries and our shamanic function in the tribe/culture as healers and communicatirs with the Sacred being OFF the reproductive cycle, our energies being freed for other purposes, often spiritual and sublime energies....from Amazons to faerys to the Ceremonial Butch which I fit perfectly, leather clad, tattoed with heavy jewelry..yes moi...questioning EVERYTHING about dominant hetro xtian culture which has been SOOO murderous towards its Lesbian/Gay and cross dressing members and women in power. They were often the first to be eliminated by Conquistadoes, Crusaders and conquerors. Right on Sister!!!NOTHING "right wing" about it...Lesbians are Lesbians FOR A REASON, cuz we exclusively are oriented to sexual intimacy with FEMALE bodies/minds/spirits, that is never HAD a penis, doesnt HAVE a penis, and doesnt want one either. We are Female Homosexuals, not Homogenderals, and Lesbians have been FAR MORE ACCEPTING of all kinds of Female bodies WAYYYY more than men, we have been at the center of the size acceptance movement and other Lesbians have tught me to be proud of my body and size, we have had strong Lesbian disability movements and I have partnered with Lesbians very much part of the Disabled Lesbian.movement, we come in mutiple expressions of WOMONHOOD from hardcore Butch Dyke to high Femme to DykeAmazons, androgynes and everything inbetween.
The tastes of het men are generally very narrow, and certainly shaming to women who dont fit with the Hollywood feminine stereotypes and ideals, or at least the aspiration to.
Many Dykes reject all that for OUR OWN far broader Female styles. We have had strong Lesbian of Color movements, and our Dyke Marches. But one thing we have in common is Lesbianism is NO MANS LAND WE DEFINE IT, NOT MALES. AND ITS A FLESH PENIS FREE YONI WORSHIPPING, VULVA AND BREAST LOVING ZONE.
If you NEED any level of Lesbian energy, then go chase after bisexual women and LEAVE US Dykes ALONE!!!! This is why I believe in collectivism. I love doing ritual with womyn connecting with each other's energies. But "We Create Our Own Reality" is OLD. While I'm trying to create MY reality, billions of others are trying to create THEIRS, but the ones who end up "creating reality" are those with money and power, screwing and stepping on the necks of the rest of us. Never is this acknowledged with New Agers.
I remember when Law of Attraction was all the rage. I was at a 12-step conference waiting in line to be seated for the main meeting that night the doors were closed because they were rearranging the room so I was talking to this lesbian I knew and I liked her I mean as far as on a friendship level and I was telling her about some of my frustration trying to get work this was the height of the recession and she said we all create our own reality and I said look I didn't create the recession I didn't want a damn recession and I'm just trying to get work and trying to survive I'm doing everything to try to get work and it's not working and she just kept repeating you create your own reality over and over again and I said I didn't vote for George W. Bush I didn't ask for a recession I didn't ask to be kicked out of work and not be able to get a job because there's no jobs to be had and she just kept saying it no matter what I said look I don't control the entire nation and she kept saying you create your own reality and I looked into her eyes and it was absolutely the most frightening thing that I saw she was completely brainwashed there was nothing there nobody home and I know she just joined this new agey type Church and I walked away from her and talk to a good friend of mine who is also on disability with a lot of health issues a minority lesbian and I told her this and she said the woman said the same thing to her about her financial issues and her health issues the same blinding repetition of words without any thought that's called brainwashing. To have all the great Lesbian sex in the world, and dress however I want, whether in full leather, or in my tie dye or Priestess gear or rainbow wear, and to be able to wear my pentacle and Goddess jewelry all the time, NEVER feel the need to censor myself and never wear a bra no matter what, and be my Wild DykeAMazon Self and have THAT honored...the skills that speak to me most, use them the most....and to be able to write and think and share with other Dykes, other womyn, and other Goddess womyn, and have tons of Goddess Temples I can go to or affordable retreats that are strictly womyn only and Lesbian positive...to GROW in all my Powers, psychically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually! Transborg. You wanna be a Borg??NOT ME. The Borg are transhuman, the most frightening enemy the Federation ever faced with a hive mind. They think nothing of dismembering intelligent species they come across and implanting their cyber metallic computer robotic parts on flesh, along with nanites.
WE HAVE nanite technology already and if improperly unleashed can destroy this planet. Sandia labs, across from Lawrence Livermore Lab is developing nanite technology.
All Star Trek series since the original series dealt with the Borg, transhumanists par excellence. Then they can have computer connections to further their hive mind.
This is also the basis of The Matrix where humans are plugged into a mainframe, Star Wars (Darth Vader and even Luke Skywalker with his artificial hand) and Battlestar Galactica where the CyBORGS imitate humans so closely you cant even tell the difference.
Men wanting female robots so they can have their way without worrying about what a real female feels or thinks.
I fully understand replacement limbs for disabled, amputees, those who had their limbs destroyed in wars or industrial accidents, and giving them something lifelike as good as the "real deal". Synthetic organs that work so they dont have to wait months or years for a transplant, or the horrible transplant industry feeding off third world countries and people.
But totally becoming something you are not, and buying the body you can afford, well Hollywood been doing that all along. Already watching a True Crime show: its called "The News" Or "How I Stole The Election and Sold the Country to Russia...with Love(of money)"As a Butch womon, I CRAVE Female spaces, and have a strong aversion to "feminine" spaces, that is talk of feminine fashion, body self hate and "fatness", diet, attraction and obsession about males, insignificant "girltalk" and gossip, obsession with Hollywood figures and other feminine pursuits.
While I have inhabited predominately male only spaces as well(first girl in boy only hockey team and league, often ONLY or one of very few Females on an entire job site of up to 100 men, only Female in my dojo who did Full Contact Karate and in the "animal" class, only Female in my Electrical Apprenticeship classes cuz the other two dropped out early on, with exclusively male teachers), it is PRECISELY WHY I hunt for and crave Dyke and womonly only FEMALE SPACES, not queer ones, ones mixed with gay males, ftms or mtfs...just other born females and strongly Dyke centered, I CRAVED AND NEED that FEMALE ENERGY; FEMALE ENERGY IS NOT NECESSARILY FEMININE ENERGY. That is a mistake queens, mtfs and many feminine straight women make. It goes WAY DEEPER than fashion. I NEED IT having given 40 hours of my week to sexist and often racist and homophobic men. Even gay men are often sexist towards Lesbians and Butches especially.
Female energy is far more diverse and primal INCLUSIVE OF AND GUARDED BY Butch women and other Amazons who feel similarly.
Any womon who has been to Michfest understands this and just how far the POWER OF gynocentric FEMALE ENERGY can go and just how POWERFUL AND DIVERSE IT IS.
It does not reference or center males of ANY TYPE, it centers girls and adult womyn of EVERY age and temperament, size, shspe, color and age, from hardcore Butch to high Femme and EVERY Female INBETWEEN, those who bleed or have bled the Sacred Moonblood, it goes back in time and far into the Future. Something no male can either possibly understand OR control. And I will NOT cede it to ANY born male, nor will 1000s of other womyn, some who could from the outside "pass" as male. It is something every one of us Amazons will gladly defend to our last days, and have before...
Our bookstores, businesses, festivals, Lands, places in the community disappeared as OUR letter in the alphabet soup, by and FOR Lesbians as an integral group. So many of our Lesbian resources LOST, for male identified queerification.
But heck SOME of us ARE rebuilding, by and FOR our WBW Lesbian brethren and from the painful loss of Michfest, our DykeAmazon Homeland...
You wear Her name proudly, Kendra... Not so old. The QIA is a bunch of nonsense. Either your homo or not..homosex will ALWAYS be proscribed by the patriarchal religionists, just like abortion, because its not procreation.
Actually we should be sacred and in fact in Butch Lesbian Judy Grahn's book Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds she speaks of our Sacred Offices and often Shamanic roles. She talk wbout the crossdressing ,the homosexuality and Lesbinism that sets us apart at liminal boundaries and our shamanic function in the tribe/culture as healers and communicatirs with the Sacred being OFF the reproductive cycle, our energies being freed for other purposes, often spiritual and sublime energies....from Amazons to faerys to the Ceremonial Butch which I fit perfectly, leather clad, tattoed with heavy jewelry..yes moi...questioning EVERYTHING about dominant hetro xtian culture which has been SOOO murderous towards its Lesbian/Gay and cross dressing members and women in power. They were often the first to be eliminated by Conquistadoes, Crusaders and conquerors. Right on Sister!!!NOTHING "right wing" about it...Lesbians are Lesbians FOR A REASON, cuz we exclusively are oriented to sexual intimacy with FEMALE bodies/minds/spirits, that is never HAD a penis, doesnt HAVE a penis, and doesnt want one either. We are Female Homosexuals, not Homogenderals, and Lesbians have been FAR MORE ACCEPTING of all kinds of Female bodies WAYYYY more than men, we have been at the center of the size acceptance movement and other Lesbians have tught me to be proud of my body and size, we have had strong Lesbian disability movements and I have partnered with Lesbians very much part of the Disabled Lesbian.movement, we come in mutiple expressions of WOMONHOOD from hardcore Butch Dyke to high Femme to DykeAmazons, androgynes and everything inbetween.
The tastes of het men are generally very narrow, and certainly shaming to women who dont fit with the Hollywood feminine stereotypes and ideals, or at least the aspiration to.
Many Dykes reject all that for OUR OWN far broader Female styles. We have had strong Lesbian of Color movements, and our Dyke Marches. But one thing we have in common is Lesbianism is NO MANS LAND WE DEFINE IT, NOT MALES. AND ITS A FLESH PENIS FREE YONI WORSHIPPING, VULVA AND BREAST LOVING ZONE.
If you NEED any level of Lesbian energy, then go chase after bisexual women and LEAVE US Dykes ALONE!!!! This is why I believe in collectivism. I love doing ritual with womyn connecting with each other's energies. But "We Create Our Own Reality" is OLD. While I'm trying to create MY reality, billions of others are trying to create THEIRS, but the ones who end up "creating reality" are those with money and power, screwing and stepping on the necks of the rest of us. Never is this acknowledged with New Agers.
I remember when Law of Attraction was all the rage. I was at a 12-step conference waiting in line to be seated for the main meeting that night the doors were closed because they were rearranging the room so I was talking to this lesbian I knew and I liked her I mean as far as on a friendship level and I was telling her about some of my frustration trying to get work this was the height of the recession and she said we all create our own reality and I said look I didn't create the recession I didn't want a damn recession and I'm just trying to get work and trying to survive I'm doing everything to try to get work and it's not working and she just kept repeating you create your own reality over and over again and I said I didn't vote for George W. Bush I didn't ask for a recession I didn't ask to be kicked out of work and not be able to get a job because there's no jobs to be had and she just kept saying it no matter what I said look I don't control the entire nation and she kept saying you create your own reality and I looked into her eyes and it was absolutely the most frightening thing that I saw she was completely brainwashed there was nothing there nobody home and I know she just joined this new agey type Church and I walked away from her and talk to a good friend of mine who is also on disability with a lot of health issues a minority lesbian and I told her this and she said the woman said the same thing to her about her financial issues and her health issues the same blinding repetition of words without any thought that's called brainwashing. To have all the great Lesbian sex in the world, and dress however I want, whether in full leather, or in my tie dye or Priestess gear or rainbow wear, and to be able to wear my pentacle and Goddess jewelry all the time, NEVER feel the need to censor myself and never wear a bra no matter what, and be my Wild DykeAMazon Self and have THAT honored...the skills that speak to me most, use them the most....and to be able to write and think and share with other Dykes, other womyn, and other Goddess womyn, and have tons of Goddess Temples I can go to or affordable retreats that are strictly womyn only and Lesbian positive...to GROW in all my Powers, psychically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually! Transborg. You wanna be a Borg??NOT ME. The Borg are transhuman, the most frightening enemy the Federation ever faced with a hive mind. They think nothing of dismembering intelligent species they come across and implanting their cyber metallic computer robotic parts on flesh, along with nanites.
WE HAVE nanite technology already and if improperly unleashed can destroy this planet. Sandia labs, across from Lawrence Livermore Lab is developing nanite technology.
All Star Trek series since the original series dealt with the Borg, transhumanists par excellence. Then they can have computer connections to further their hive mind.
This is also the basis of The Matrix where humans are plugged into a mainframe, Star Wars (Darth Vader and even Luke Skywalker with his artificial hand) and Battlestar Galactica where the CyBORGS imitate humans so closely you cant even tell the difference.
Men wanting female robots so they can have their way without worrying about what a real female feels or thinks.
I fully understand replacement limbs for disabled, amputees, those who had their limbs destroyed in wars or industrial accidents, and giving them something lifelike as good as the "real deal". Synthetic organs that work so they dont have to wait months or years for a transplant, or the horrible transplant industry feeding off third world countries and people.
But totally becoming something you are not, and buying the body you can afford, well Hollywood been doing that all along. Already watching a True Crime show: its called "The News" Or "How I Stole The Election and Sold the Country to Russia...with Love(of money)"As a Butch womon, I CRAVE Female spaces, and have a strong aversion to "feminine" spaces, that is talk of feminine fashion, body self hate and "fatness", diet, attraction and obsession about males, insignificant "girltalk" and gossip, obsession with Hollywood figures and other feminine pursuits.
While I have inhabited predominately male only spaces as well(first girl in boy only hockey team and league, often ONLY or one of very few Females on an entire job site of up to 100 men, only Female in my dojo who did Full Contact Karate and in the "animal" class, only Female in my Electrical Apprenticeship classes cuz the other two dropped out early on, with exclusively male teachers), it is PRECISELY WHY I hunt for and crave Dyke and womonly only FEMALE SPACES, not queer ones, ones mixed with gay males, ftms or mtfs...just other born females and strongly Dyke centered, I CRAVED AND NEED that FEMALE ENERGY; FEMALE ENERGY IS NOT NECESSARILY FEMININE ENERGY. That is a mistake queens, mtfs and many feminine straight women make. It goes WAY DEEPER than fashion. I NEED IT having given 40 hours of my week to sexist and often racist and homophobic men. Even gay men are often sexist towards Lesbians and Butches especially.
Female energy is far more diverse and primal INCLUSIVE OF AND GUARDED BY Butch women and other Amazons who feel similarly.
Any womon who has been to Michfest understands this and just how far the POWER OF gynocentric FEMALE ENERGY can go and just how POWERFUL AND DIVERSE IT IS.
It does not reference or center males of ANY TYPE, it centers girls and adult womyn of EVERY age and temperament, size, shspe, color and age, from hardcore Butch to high Femme and EVERY Female INBETWEEN, those who bleed or have bled the Sacred Moonblood, it goes back in time and far into the Future. Something no male can either possibly understand OR control. And I will NOT cede it to ANY born male, nor will 1000s of other womyn, some who could from the outside "pass" as male. It is something every one of us Amazons will gladly defend to our last days, and have before...
Sunday, January 8, 2017
As a Butch womon, I CRAVE Female spaces, and have a strong aversion to "feminine" spaces, that is talk of feminine fashion, body self hate and "fatness", diet, attraction and obsession about males, insignificant "girltalk" and gossip, obsession with Hollywood figures and other feminine pursuits.
While I have inhabited predominately male only spaces as well(first girl in boy only hockey team and league, often ONLY or one of very few Females on an entire job site of up to 100 men, only Female in my dojo who did Full Contact Karate and in the "animal" class, only Female in my Electrical Apprenticeship classes cuz the other two dropped out early on, with exclusively male teachers), it is PRECISELY WHY I hunt for and crave Dyke and womonly only FEMALE SPACES, not queer ones, ones mixed with gay males, ftms or mtfs...just other born females and strongly Dyke centered, I CRAVED AND NEED that FEMALE ENERGY; FEMALE ENERGY IS NOT NECESSARILY FEMININE ENERGY. That is a mistake queens, mtfs and many feminine straight women make. It goes WAY DEEPER than fashion. I NEED IT having given 40 hours of my week to sexist and often racist and homophobic men. Even gay men are often sexist towards Lesbians and Butches especially.
Female energy is far more diverse and primal INCLUSIVE OF AND GUARDED BY Butch women and other Amazons who feel similarly.
Any womon who has been to Michfest understands this and just how far the POWER OF gynocentric FEMALE ENERGY can go and just how POWERFUL AND DIVERSE IT IS.
It does not reference or center males of ANY TYPE, it centers girls and adult womyn of EVERY age and temperament, size, shspe, color and age, from hardcore Butch to high Femme and EVERY Female INBETWEEN, those who bleed or have bled the Sacred Moonblood, it goes back in time and far into the Future. Something no male can either possibly understand OR control. And I will NOT cede it to ANY born male, nor will 1000s of other womyn, some who could from the outside "pass" as male. It is something every one of us Amazons will gladly defend to our last days, and have before...
While I have inhabited predominately male only spaces as well(first girl in boy only hockey team and league, often ONLY or one of very few Females on an entire job site of up to 100 men, only Female in my dojo who did Full Contact Karate and in the "animal" class, only Female in my Electrical Apprenticeship classes cuz the other two dropped out early on, with exclusively male teachers), it is PRECISELY WHY I hunt for and crave Dyke and womonly only FEMALE SPACES, not queer ones, ones mixed with gay males, ftms or mtfs...just other born females and strongly Dyke centered, I CRAVED AND NEED that FEMALE ENERGY; FEMALE ENERGY IS NOT NECESSARILY FEMININE ENERGY. That is a mistake queens, mtfs and many feminine straight women make. It goes WAY DEEPER than fashion. I NEED IT having given 40 hours of my week to sexist and often racist and homophobic men. Even gay men are often sexist towards Lesbians and Butches especially.
Female energy is far more diverse and primal INCLUSIVE OF AND GUARDED BY Butch women and other Amazons who feel similarly.
Any womon who has been to Michfest understands this and just how far the POWER OF gynocentric FEMALE ENERGY can go and just how POWERFUL AND DIVERSE IT IS.
It does not reference or center males of ANY TYPE, it centers girls and adult womyn of EVERY age and temperament, size, shspe, color and age, from hardcore Butch to high Femme and EVERY Female INBETWEEN, those who bleed or have bled the Sacred Moonblood, it goes back in time and far into the Future. Something no male can either possibly understand OR control. And I will NOT cede it to ANY born male, nor will 1000s of other womyn, some who could from the outside "pass" as male. It is something every one of us Amazons will gladly defend to our last days, and have before...
Tribe or Bridge Type Person
I have always searched for my "Tribe", closest I felt was at Michfest and cried terribly during the last Spiral Dance because I KNEW my Amazonian Dyke Tribe was going into the Diaspora, a pain I known as one raised Jewish. Felt the same at the Shabbat of Jewish Dykes there too, and cried throughout the whole Shabbat KNOWING I wouldnt see my JewDyke Sisters in those numbers in that capacity ever again...and the Service was MATRIARCHAL, could have the best of both worlds rather than constantly choosing...
But ultimately I have ALWAYS felt like a Bridge person, bringing opposites together or certainly disparate threads, never feeling too settled amongst any ONE community for fear I would be forced to conform and couldnt BE my Full Self in entirety. Even as an Amazon Warrior/Witch, I was the wandering Amazon JewWitch, traveling between Dianic Circles because no SINGLE one was Home. I always needed a much larger more diverse Community as Homebase..like EWF or Michfest to Gather when MANY different Tribes of womyn came together. And one on one friendships.
Very profound Heather Doney...
But ultimately I have ALWAYS felt like a Bridge person, bringing opposites together or certainly disparate threads, never feeling too settled amongst any ONE community for fear I would be forced to conform and couldnt BE my Full Self in entirety. Even as an Amazon Warrior/Witch, I was the wandering Amazon JewWitch, traveling between Dianic Circles because no SINGLE one was Home. I always needed a much larger more diverse Community as Homebase..like EWF or Michfest to Gather when MANY different Tribes of womyn came together. And one on one friendships.
Very profound Heather Doney...
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Ah woo or not to.woo, NEVER take away my WOO..cuz WOO WORKS. Science in some ways is just another religion, with its Priests and Paradigms, ignoring evidence of what it cant explain. I wed BOTH intuition AND intellect together, right and left brain. Shaman/Witch/Magician and Scientist. Course the first Scientists WERE Priest(esses) of the ancient Solar and Lunar Observatories studying the heavenly bodies inmthe sky AND studying herbs and plants in Nature.
We have abilitues as yet undiscovered...or lost.
Bottomline, yes, SOLIDARITY. For women, our POWERFUL Sisterhood and its gynocentric potential to.make ENORMOUS change in the ENTIRE patriarchal.paradigm, why we are so FEARED, if we come together sans males, AND our leadership for a different more copperative less competitive less warlike Way.
But whether solidarity is between womyn, Natives, the dispossessed, 99%ers, minorities, lovers of our freat planet, or ALL of us innthe side of positive change that treads lightly and innharmony with the Planet and each other, we MUST STAND STRONG as the 300 Native Tribes at Standing Rock.did DESPITE DIFFERENCES, or a difficult past. While NEVER compromising our principles to.moneyed corruption. Do NOT be bough off!!
We have abilitues as yet undiscovered...or lost.
Bottomline, yes, SOLIDARITY. For women, our POWERFUL Sisterhood and its gynocentric potential to.make ENORMOUS change in the ENTIRE patriarchal.paradigm, why we are so FEARED, if we come together sans males, AND our leadership for a different more copperative less competitive less warlike Way.
But whether solidarity is between womyn, Natives, the dispossessed, 99%ers, minorities, lovers of our freat planet, or ALL of us innthe side of positive change that treads lightly and innharmony with the Planet and each other, we MUST STAND STRONG as the 300 Native Tribes at Standing Rock.did DESPITE DIFFERENCES, or a difficult past. While NEVER compromising our principles to.moneyed corruption. Do NOT be bough off!!
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